View Full Version : Worst flare up in a longgg time

08-07-17, 19:29
I'ts like a bad joke, one stupid symptom after another...

I started worrying about ovarian cancer after going to the Drs a couple of weeks ago, he referred me for two routine ultrasounds, of the the abdomen and one internal of the pelvis for a flare up of IBS (I wrote on here at the time). What threw me was I thought he would give me a different medication, reassure me and send me on my way but he said as it had changed (the pain was worse at the time) He wanted to check things out. I want to mention that my grandad was at the end stage of terminal cancer and I was/am very stressed and worried so put the flare of IBS down to this. So anyway when he suggested the tests I freaked out alot and have continued to be freaked out since.

Since then I have rolled from one symptom to another such as constipation, urine urgency/constant need to wee and finally last night to my absolute horror a little bit of pink on the tissue when I wiped :weep::weep: I went mad my friend happened to be over at the time and I just freaked out, god knows what she must of thought!

Has anyone out there had similar things? I'm trying to reassure myself as follows:

1. Worsening IBS - Due to my Grandad's cancer diagnosis. My symptoms have got a lot better recently. I'm thinking cancer would not work like this , symptoms increase?

2. Urinary frequency - I was diagnosed with a UTI but antibiotics didn't work but Dr said that your bladder is very much like our stomachs and reacts to stress.

3. Small pink spotting - My periods have been all over the place since I came off the contraceptive pill in December not sure if could be coming on slowly (although no further sign) or ovulation?

In the meantime i have had my routine smear which I never deal with well either. It's been a vile month :scared15:

Just needed to write this down and vent a little.

08-07-17, 21:16
Hi. I don't really have any advice as such to give you because I'm in the exact same position as you at the moment. Iv had doctors send off countless urine tests has ultrasound but I still find another symptom and I obsess over it. The only thing I can say is I get urinary frequency when I'm stressed. That's when it seems to be at its worst. So I think these symptoms all seem to have a reason as to why you would have them. Xx

08-07-17, 22:43
Hi I'm sure you're fine. I had a flare up because of the stupid gynocologist I saw last year regarding my irregular periods( im 51) any SANE person would accept it but not me... he said we need to biopsy your uterus and charged me $580!!!!! Came back normal and there was no need for it to start with because the ultrasound showed thin lining of the uterus.... sometimes doctors make things worse trust me... take care x

09-07-17, 00:02
Sorry to hear you are going through this. I also went through a really bad bout of fearing ovarian cancer. I started noticing I was peeing more frequently back in February, put my "symptoms" into webmd symptom checker and the first thing that came back was ovarian cancer. I CONVINCED myself this is what I had. I also think by focusing on how often I felt I had to pee, it made me pee more often. Since the symptoms are so vague, I think its easy to make me fears fit with it. I had an ultrasound done and this was ruled out. I am currently struggling with believing medical tests (not for ultrasounds, but a different fear) but I have moved past this fear.

09-07-17, 02:31
I have recently learned that you can carry tension in your pelvic muscles just as most people carry it in their neck/shoulders. Your symptoms could have something to do with that. I have an extensive GYN history, so that and multiple surgeries contribute to it as well, but I have Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and it causes SOOO many things. Constipation, diarrhea, IBS like symptoms, urinary retention and frequency, etc, etc. I notice that when I'm super stressed/worried, my symptoms get worse because my muscles are tense from the stress.

The spotting could also be stress. You know our hormones are so temperamental. Sorry about your grandfather. Peace and calmness to you ��

09-07-17, 03:17
Yes it's called irritable bladder

09-07-17, 07:27
Thanks for the replies guys.
I know it's said alot but I have a hard time believing that stress and worry cause physical symptoms.... logically I know it can but still when it's me I just think it has to be something serious.

09-07-17, 14:29
The ovarian cancer fear was really strong for me. Even after the ultrasound, I doubted the doctor and looked up their credentials etc.

The urinary frequency was brutal for me. I started asking my husband how often he was peeing, because I literally had to pee every half an hour. I also was having some lower abdominal cramps etc. I obsessively googled of course and was completely convinced. After my anxiety moved onto another one, the urinary frequency really slowed down, so it must be because of anxiety for me. I also have a hard time believing anxiety to cause physical symptoms but it is a prime example for me. Looking back, when you focus on an automatic process, it makes it feel not so automatic. I was so fixated on my urinary frequency that likely any sensation I attributed to having to pee.

Hope this helps!

09-07-17, 16:21
Thanks for the replies guys.
I know it's said alot but I have a hard time believing that stress and worry cause physical symptoms.... logically I know it can but still when it's me I just think it has to be something serious.

Trust me...worry,anxiety, stress bring on so many physical symptoms.

09-07-17, 16:55
I've continued to have the brown spotting but I remember the smear lady saying on wed there was a little bit of bleeding wen she did it so not to worry if I had spotting. Just thought I wud of had it straight away but the blood was pink fri and now brown so old blood. Could the blood of taken a while to work down as it wasn't much?

Casey, tbh since I've been stressing about spotting I haven't noticed the weeing. Im thinking it cud be cervical now but I know it's just ridiculous. I just hope my smear comes back ok. X

09-07-17, 17:04
Yeah it sounds like stress and a lot of factors. I spot for up to 2 weeks after a smear and sometimes it doesn't start for 2-3 days.

But urinary frequency, ibs, and spotting can all be stress related too! I have these issues myself

09-07-17, 17:06
I have bled after a pap smear before as well. I had pretty significant bleeding and then spotting. Luckily at the time I wasn't experiencing health anxiety so I didn't worry.

09-07-17, 18:34
Really, that makes me feel better... makes sense. Xx