View Full Version : Fell and hit back of head

08-07-17, 20:11
This morning during my workout, I tripped over my own two feet and fell backwards and hit my head on the floor. I banged it pretty good. I am trying to not be in complete panic mode as my HA has been under pretty good control. I didn't blackout or have any nausea, but have a headache. My husband doesn't think it's worth even a call to the doctor.

Help me out fellow HAers, talk somosense into me.

08-07-17, 21:35
I fell on concrete before... nothing major ever happened. Personally I also get anxious when I hit my head, but you didn't black out or vomit. If you start experiencing worsening symptoms then of course get checked. But our heads are harder than we think.

08-07-17, 21:59
When I was a child I fell backwards off a wall, fell backwards down the stairs as a child, basketball at school on my head. I do have MRI scans not due to head injuries but due to a medical condition and no damage and just a small benign lump, spot whatever it is. Keep an eye on yourself.