View Full Version : Health Anxiety about an (unlikely) pregnancy scare

08-07-17, 20:17
Hi guys, I'm a mess right now. I've gone through a lot of changes this past month including losing a ton of weight, exercise changes due to muscle problems, relationship stress, family stress, money stress, etc...I have GAD and take medication on and off for it (not taking currently) But i've also been late for my period on top of all of that and now it's leading me into an (unlikely) pregnancy scare. Read on for the drama....

My last period was the last week of May, and I had sex earlier that month. No big deal right, everything was as it should be. Then June comes around, and I was expecting my period around the last week of June after a long month of stress and it just never came (I've never been late or missed one before now). I didn't have sex in June, but my mind is telling me I'm somehow pregnant from my last sexual encounter in mid-May. I know it sounds crazy but now my boobs hurt and I've been getting cramps and I'm so stressed that I took a blue-dye pregnancy test and there was a line so faint that you could only see it at very specific angles and in a weird light. I checked it again 2 days later and it was a blue line and I know I shouldn't do that but damn it was so clear.

But I seriously doubt I'm pregnant but I'm going crazy!!!!!!
Sorry for the rant. I just need to hear some reassurance and maybe some personal anecdotes about this sort of thing just happening sometimes. Thanks everyone. :(

08-07-17, 20:23
Stress for sure can delay your cycle. It's likely that's the cause.

Also, blue dye tests are notorious for faint lines. Get a pink dye test and retest. Then you can relax.

08-07-17, 20:31
Stress for sure can delay your cycle. It's likely that's the cause.

Also, blue dye tests are notorious for faint lines. Get a pink dye test and retest. Then you can relax.

Thank you for the reply, yes I thought it was a pink dye test when I bought it because the packaging was pink but I was sadly mistaken :weep:
Do you think I should make an appt to see my doctor? She's not exactly the nicest lady, but she knows when I'm being crazy about something and typically scowls and tells me to come back when I'm actually ill LOL.

08-07-17, 20:35
I'd just take another test at home. Much cheaper than a visit!

09-07-17, 06:13
I am in the middle of a similar situation. I second what the other poster said - those blue dye tests are notorious for evaporation lines. After 10 minutes, let alone 2 days, the results are invalid too.
I have had the same symptoms as you and have done 2 tests in the last fortnight. The first was just negative and the second, a white line came up straight away. And even though I know it's an indent line that means nothing, I've been obsessing over it for a week.....I am 39 and have 3 children, one who is 7 months old and I am done having kids. The whole thing has set my health anxiety off terribly.
Just do another test and set your mind at rest ... I might take my own advice and do one as well! Make sure you read it at the end of the time, I've heard if you can't see a line holding it at arm's length it's negative, so hold it at arms length and then trust what it sees and throw it away. I'll check back in to see how you go :)

09-07-17, 12:21
Hey girl,

I don't post often but I felt like I had to reply to your post. If you had your period after sex you're most definitely not pregnant. Anyway, I had a ridiculous pregnancy scare like this a few months back. I am usually an anxious person, but I have never skipped my period because of it. Until that month. I LITERALLY skipped an entire period, got what was similar to implantation bleeding, had nausea, headaches, my boobs were so so so sore, I had every symptom in the book. I took a few pregnancy tests and got freaked out by the evaporation lines. It's all in your head, trust me. I didn't think worrying about r could affect my cycle to that extent but it did.

Please try and relax, you're not pregnant <3

11-07-17, 05:26
Thank you so much to everyone for your support. I think it helped me relax and guess what finally showed up today! Now back to my other HA worries, ha..