View Full Version : Health anxiety and emetophobia...help!

08-07-17, 20:52
Hello, I am new to this site but was wondering if anyone could help me?? I am 24 have GAD, panic disorder, emetophobia and IBS.
So a looong story short...My fiancé currently has a throat infection and had a high fever over the past few days...he has been given antibiotics which gave him gastritis. Has had D&V all last night and today and abdominal pains. This has completely freaked me out!!!! I have emetophobia so panic all the time about getting poorly...I don't know if I have actually been poorly the past few days or if it's just been anxiety?! I haven't eaten, feel hot and panic and feel nauseous. :weep: can anyone relate or give me some tips?! I'm going out of my mind!

08-07-17, 21:33
Those symptoms can all also be attributed to anxiety. You may or may not have caught something, but either way drink plenty of water, stay well fed & try to calm down a bit. I know it's easier said than done.