View Full Version : Really struggling with doubt after endoscope

09-07-17, 00:09
Hi everyone!

I posted here about a month ago so I don't know where my original post is. I wanted to know if there are any other OCD or Health Anxiety sufferers here that have difficulties with doubt after medical tests. I have had health anxiety that has spiraled the past few months and have led me to believe I have had 11 different conditions. I am working with a therapist, psychiatrist and my GP. My most recent obsession was regarding my esophagus and I went through an endoscope. As I am pregnant I opted for the endoscope without sedation. The ultrasound found some reflux (from pregnancy) but no obstruction as I was fearing. I still have the same sensation of food getting stuck when I initially swallow and am finding it hard to believe the test results. I keep wondering the possibility that they missed something and I know I can't go back for another test.

I would love to hear any suggestions people have when they start to doubt a medical test and get the urge to go for a second opinion.

09-07-17, 04:26
This thread made me want to laugh, not at you at all but because you totally described what I do and think!

I have had at least 3 ecg's plus chest xray, pulse rate and BP checked LOADS, all of which were totally fine but I still want to go back almost daily to have it all rechecked! I am awake now because the pain in my chest IS a heart attack and I am going to die at some point tonight so am too scared to sleep. It is a bloody nightmare!!

I also have a lump/blockage feeling in my throat which I have now and get a lot. It is a major symptom of anxiety.

I also had an endoscopy last month and mine was all fine as well. I was so relieved ( as I was convinced I had cancer) until I started to worry that maybe I was bleeding internally because they had cut me. I kept checking the symptoms for it. It was only after 2 days that I calmed down about it.

I even have a pulse reader on my phone which I keep checking whenever I feel bad.

What I am trying to say is that yes it is perfectly normal to be anxious and doubt medical tests and what we are told. This is because our fear is irrational. You mention you were pregnant I was wondering if that has made your anxiety worse?

09-07-17, 05:27
Quite simply and conclusively, the endoscope goes from your mouth to your stomach. If there was something blocking or obstructing the endo tube, no ifs ands or buts, it wouldn't have made it to your stomach (.) Period

Positive thoughts

09-07-17, 12:12
The endoscopy would most certainly have picked up anything. There are issues that are more functional or due to anxiety. Perhaps the doctor can advise if there's any medication which may help but safe for during pregnancy, otherwise it's going to be more a matter of getting on top of the anxiety as this can certainly cause reflux and these types of issues.

09-07-17, 14:22
Thank you everyone for your feedback.

I do realize that it is really silly to think that a skilled GI doctor would miss a mass in my esophagus. I am working really hard to get past this anxiety. My husband always says to me "who is more likely to be right? your anxiety that has convinced you of 11 different conditions or a skilled GI doctor with a camera and biopsies down your esophagus". The doubt is really brutal!