View Full Version : Health anxiety back - Brain MRI

09-07-17, 02:35
Haven't posted on here for a while as thought I had my health anxiety under control. But think that's just because I'd been through whole heap of tests back around Oct last year, and following usual pattern, the anxiety comes back again about a different health issue that hasn't been investigated for a while.

I've had a few more migraines than usual over past few months, tension headaches pretty regularly, and a sinus infection which was treated but still lurking in terms of blocked ears etc. A couple of weeks ago noticed some eye pain and really sore in bones around eye sockets and left temple. Feeling off balance but not actually falling over or anything. Thought it could be sinus infection again so doctor put me on antibiotics, but hasn't helped. Headaches have been constant and really strong. Waking in night wide awake with adrenalin rushes.

Doctor sending me for MRI tomorrow and whilst that's what I wanted, I'm now petrified, thinking this is all down to something in brain causing pressure. My dad died of brain tumour 10 years ago and my logical mind says it's not hereditary, highly unlikely, and more likely to be something else made worse by anxiety. I have an almost 4 year old son and I'm so scared of something happening to me while he is so young. We recently moved interstate and things should be really positive in my life right now, which is always when health anxiety seems to kick in and try and sabotage things!

It is weird when you're actually sitting here thinking I hope this is just terrible anxiety as the cause!

09-07-17, 04:33
Anxiety and stress is one of the biggest causes of headaches.

Given your dad's death I am not surprised you are linking the two. If you have HA your anxious brain will make the connection (even when there isn't one).

Having a child makes you question your mortality. Most parents I have spoken to and terrified of leaving their children. I know it is something I worry about a great deal.

I am sure you will be fine. It is good you are having it done so hopefully it will put your mind at rest.

PLease let me know how you get on.

09-07-17, 05:16
I don't know why some doctors still think sinus headaches are a thing. All of the headache specialists in the nation have come out against that saying it isn't a thing. They basically happen only 1% of the time according to studies. They're incredibly rare. The headache you get from flu and stuff isn't a sinus headache!

But yeah, I've been having headaches for the last seven weeks. They are there the vast majority of the time. They feel a bit like tension headaches, but they also have some weird migraine-style features even though they aren't that severe. They aren't disabling the way I hear people describe their migraine headaches. There has also been tingling basically EVERYWHERE in my body- sometimes it even escalates into a sharp stabbing pain- and fasciculations, and a tremor, and it hurts my eyes to look into light. I have no idea why this is. I've had an MRI and a CT scan both come back clear.

The fact that I've had these for seven weeks and it hasn't gotten any worse is probably reassuring. In fact, I've actually read quite a few stories on here about people with chronic headaches because of anxiety. I think it might really be possible and when I get established at this new practice I am absolutely going to let them treat me for my anxiety. The worst part, though, is that deep down I desperately, very badly want more tests done, and I know I'm not going to be able to resist the urge to demand that we run more tests even though I know it's pointless. I've already spent so much money on my health anxiety. It's honestly ridiculous- and I have insurance, so I'm one of the lucky ones.

09-07-17, 11:52
Thanks for the replies. It's so hard to rationalise or to think when the symptoms actually started as brain starts to blow everything out of proportion and draw links between things that may not actually be linked. I know in theory I could just have sinus making my ears blocked and making me feel off balance, and the headache I think actually started after I got anxious and had googled too much. Well that's what I hope is the case, and thankful I only have to wait another day before the MRI. Although of course then I'll be jumpy every time the phone rings until I see dr for my results on Wednesday!

Nervousnelly it is great to hear your scans were all fine, I know how you feel about wanting more tests but surely either of those would have shown something serious. Hope you can get some treatment for the anxiety and that the headaches clear up once that's under control.

11-07-17, 13:05
Getting my results tomorrow so not long to wait now. The scanning place gave me the info for the doctor to access the results online so I've seen the scans (of course I looked at them but obviously that just makes the anxiety worse because wouldn't know what I'm looking at!) but the report wont be done until tomorrow morning. I think next stop for me is getting back on some anxiety medication, this is just ridiculous what has been going on in my mind over the last week or so. I had a bad experience with previous medication (Pristiq) as although it worked well while I was on it, when I tried to wean off of it the effects were horrendous. Will have to find what other options are out there!