View Full Version : Relationship

09-07-17, 11:48
So I met this girl online and we've met up a couple of times and we're both really into each other, I'm seeing her tomorrow and some big stuff may happen tomorrow between us, and I was trying to talk to her yesterday l, just generally chat, you know? And she didn't seem too bothered, it was strange, nothing seemed to have happened, almost every night up until then we've spoken until 3 in the morning, and all of a sudden yesterday we didn't, I can't get this feeling out of my head that she has changed her mind about me, I just can't shake it off, my logical brain is telling me 'surely nothing could have happened' but I'm going through hell, I just can't get this out of my head, and I'm so worried about talking to her today and asking about the details of our meet up tomorrow because I'm terrified she will want to cancel it. I hate this, it's irrational, illogical and maddening, does anyone else go through these ups and downs and if you do, how do you deal with it and stop it from making you want to just curl up and cry?

09-07-17, 13:09
I understand, but can you try and talk to her today normally like you always did? Right now you have nothing to lose, just don't be overbearing, be nice as you were before, and remember that anxiety makes us catastrophise and try to read minds and most of the stuff anxiety says isn't true.