View Full Version : How to help my Mum going through a depressive episode?

09-07-17, 12:18
Hi all,
So my Mum has struggled with depression before and is on medication has been for about 15 years but in the past years she's been through an awful lot of stressful events.
My Uncle, her brother, died suddenly, my Dad left for another woman whom he went on to marry. She's now caring for her elderly parents on her own and living with them. A stressful time at work has cracked the surface of her holding it all together and she's been signed off work for 3 weeks.
My Grandma has just rang me and said we need to think of things to occupy your Mam because she's very poorly and having crying spells a lot.

I feel like I know quite a lot about mental health and my view is that my Grandma needs to stop trying to 'fix' it and just let Mam take the lead in coming through this. When I see her crying, I don't say anything I just carry on and let her know she can talk if she wants to.
My fear is that my Grandma and sister in law will try to 'do' things like ask her to babysit thinking 'she loves her Grandchildren they will help take her mind off things' but I think she's got such a burden caring for everyone else that I just feel like if she wants to sit in her room and cry shouldn't we just let this happen and trust that she's sensible enough to know how to heal her own mind?
She's already told me about her plans for tomorrow and said that she's doing what the Dr said and getting out. She's getting her nails done and meeting a friend for coffee tomorrow so I don't think we need to think of any more activities.

Have I got this wrong? should I be actively keeping her occupied? I've never seen my Mum this bad because she's always been the one to give care and I just want to do the best for her. Should I tell her my Grandma has been on the phone and ask her if she wants me to tell Grandma to leave her alone if she needs it?

Any other advice??

Thanks so much guys I really appreciate it