View Full Version : Leg Weakness

09-07-17, 14:30
Hi guys,

I've remained off the forum for over a month before posting which I'm pretty proud of. However I've had a scare flare up again.

I periodically get a weakness sensation in my right leg, always the right one never the left. I'm having a scare of MS after I also had Weakness in my right arm which also comes and goes.

But my right leg has a weakness (feeling?) in it currently coupled with pins and needles and the occasional numbness in my heel.

Freaking out that this could be the start of MS.

Is MS constant or can it come and go?

---------- Post added at 14:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 ----------

My ankle feels particularly weak and my entire leg has a strange 'mild ache' too

09-07-17, 17:53
Is your last name Heyward or something like that?

09-07-17, 20:49
I can't offer you much advice, but I can offer you my sympathy as I'm going through something similar now except with a twitching finger. Even now after the twitching has actually stopped, I've still got the thought on my mind and am terrified.

There's almost certainly somebody else around here worrying about the same thing.

10-07-17, 08:13
Has anybody experienced this or at least know detail about MS if this links? I refuse to google about the condition

Health Anxiety Dad
10-07-17, 09:27
One type of MS, the standard type, comes and goes, another type, called Primary Progressive MS just keeps getting worse and worse with no relapse. One of the big tests for MS is an MRI and Lumbar Puncture. You're nowhere near needing thsee tests right now.

There's a massive difference between percieved weakness, aka weakness you feel...and clinical weakness, which is the objective loss of ability or motor skills. If you're worried about MS, the thing to do is see your GP and get a referral to a Neurologist, who will give you a complete neurological exam. Then they will decide if further tests like the MRI and LP are warranted. Keep in mind MS has a wide range of symptoms, not just one or two: vision problems, memory problems, limb problems, the MS "Hug" etc.

10-07-17, 09:27
I get perceived weakness a lot but all my limbs are still working and the GP told me it is actually just perceived bc anxiety.

My right arm is also tired and aching all the time to the point it hurts to use it, but apparently that can also be from muscle tension in shoulders and then reflecting all the way down the arm. Idk

I know how hard this can be but as long as your limbs are still working properly there's probably no real weakness, not to mention if it was something serious it probably wouldnt be coming and going all the time. But you can always talk to your GP if youre concerned

10-07-17, 09:48
Thank you Health Anxiety Dad and maianixon.

My whole health anxiety actually started with dizziness and blurred vision and adull ache behind my right eye back in June last year. I had my eyes examined and nothing was out of the ordinary (no inflammation etc). I had a CT scan also where nothing was found. That's when I actually discovered what MS was after it popped up on my PC homepage.

I panicked like crazy and my GP said it was all anxiety. I outright refused to believe anxiety could cause these physical symptoms (I was new to anxiety) so he sent me for an MRI of my brain (not my spine) and it was all clear.

My arm and leg started to become 'weak' and my arm would become tired and I naturally worried about ALS due to my HA and I had an EMG on my arm which was clear. My worry is, like you said, the common form of MS is the 'come and go' kind. My 'weakness' comes and goes every three weeks. I don't know how often the 'come and go' kind actually acts.

I haven't been able to not walk or anything but my leg feels like it will give way (but never does). Coupled with aches and pins and needles. Always my right side

Health Anxiety Dad
10-07-17, 11:40
I'm not a doctor or expert, but MS leaves permanent scarring in the brain, which shows up on an MRI. Had there been lesions on your brain in the MRI, then a Lumbar Puncture would have been performed on you to confirm MS. I know this because I went through all of the above, but my brain lesions turned out to be benign and my LP came back better than the average human, so no MS here. But I'm familiar with the testing process.

10-07-17, 15:13

If you don't mind me asking, what caused you to go down the LP route? What were your symptoms?

Health Anxiety Dad
10-07-17, 18:55

If you don't mind me asking, what caused you to go down the LP route? What were your symptoms?

I'd had stiff legs for 6 months and several lesions on my brain caught by a CT taken due to 3 days of headaches combined with prolonged balance problems. Stiff legs and brain lesions are hallmark symptoms of MS. So are balance problems. It was the neurologist, based on those symptoms, who recommended an LP, as it is 90% effective in detecting MS. He had three theories (MS, benign genetic disposition or prevous damage from an infection etc).

14-11-17, 09:36
Hi I know this is an old thread, but Im experiencing something similar. I keep getting pins and needles and a feeling of the blood recirculating down it like when you move your leg after its been dead for a while. Anyone else get this? Its not painful just numbing.

04-12-17, 08:28
Thanks for your comments guys.

I do strongly think I need to see a neurologist as the muscle in the front of my lower leg (soleus?) always stiffens up when walking and I still get perceived weakness to the point where I have to concentrate hard to stay upright sometimes.

Last night I also started getting cold feelings all down my right side. Sick of having physical symptoms but I'm strongly panicking that I have MS, the kind that comes and goes. How often is the coming and going of this kind?

My doctor has actually given me an EMG of my leg but strongly doubt this will show up anything MS related, would it?