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View Full Version : Tetanus during bike tour

09-07-17, 13:18
Im on a month long bike Tour in France with 2 friends, however on the second day the gear that holds the Chain pressed into my lower leg and left a couple of sounds, they bled But not for long and they closed up quite fast, except one of them. I immeadtly started thinking about tetanus, been in a lot of places (water/fields/campsites) when the sound was still a bit open.

Now Im stressing like crazy every day, it's the 6th day after my wound and I Cant Remember when my last tetanus shot was, Im guessing 5 years back But I Cant Remember getting it at all. My jaw feels a bit weird But only when I focus on it, and it might just Be anxiety, my legs have weird muscle spazms when trying to er to bed But this might je because of 80+km biking every day. My friends Tell me im stressing too much, the pharmacy said it was Fine But my french isn't good so I couldn't explain the tetanus bit. Cant really go and get a shot because Im not in my own country m, so I wonder if Im just stressing too much! Thanks for reading I just wanted to vent and get perspective from someone Else then 2 friends

worry weasel
24-07-17, 06:19
Hi. I've been experiencing the same kind of worry. I bite the skin around my nails as a habit and I hit my thumb with a rusty hammer when building my desk. No puncture wound from the hammer, it just hit my thumb. I know it sounds crazy to worry about that... right? Nothing punctured me! I'm just worried about the previous "open wounds" on my fingers from me biting the skin that could have been infected. I have needle phobia so I'm too scared to get the vaccination. :wacko:

I've been feeling a tight jaw whenever I think about it too much, and now today I am feeling a tight neck and a headache. I usually had this problem before the "incident" (which was a little over two weeks ago by the way). It might just be the stress/anxiety getting to me and making me feel this. My family and friends think I'm totally fine and worrying too much. But of course, with anxiety you feel as if it's the end of the world and no one realizes it.

I hope you're okay. I've read that tetanus is very rare.