View Full Version : nausea fatty liver citalopram HELP. desparate

09-07-17, 17:07
As you can see I did't know what to call this post. I
I had some bloods taken months ago and even though they weren't testing for it , they ame back with raised alkaline phosphtase. this freaked me out. My Gp said it could be sue to citalopram. I had to have a retest 4 weeks later. I came off the citalopram ( without my gp knowing because I desperately needed to know what wa scausing it. The levels came down slightly. I was sent for a ultrasound of mmy abdomen. Everything seemed fine except for a 'fatty liver'. I had the test respeated last week and the levels are back up at 164 (range is 20 - 130) My Gp said it was obviously citalopram but it isn't because I only went back on for a short while and came off a week before the bloodtest. I now have to be retested agin in a month. I am worried sick and in a real state. I am due to go on holiday in a week's time. My husband really needs this break but here I am again about to spoil it with my fears. I am also suffering constant nausea and extreme tiredness. (I went to sleep yesterday afternoon and again in the evening which I never do - I am 56). I have convinced myself I have stomach cancer. The nausea is worse in the mornings but stays most of the dayPlease can someone help me?

09-07-17, 17:28
Fatty liver is an insanely common finding. I have it too, and I'm in my twenties, and I don't even eat poorly!

09-07-17, 17:35
Can I ask how you found out that you had it? Did you have an increase in alkaline phosphtase or other liver enzymes elevated? I have a good diet too. I don't drink alcohol and am not overweight. I am putting everything together and making panic

09-07-17, 17:58
I had a CT scan of my abdomen done for other reasons. I don't recall if the enzymes were elevated or not. They never told me.

09-07-17, 18:01
Thankyou for taking the time to reply. I am so scared that I have pancreatic or stomach cancer. The nausea is pretty bad. Iam so tempted to google but a) know I shouldn't and b) am actually too scared

09-07-17, 19:59
So now your doctor knows that you came off the meds?

Positive thoughts

09-07-17, 21:35
Yes she does but my first test whilst on citalopram was high. I had one a couple of weeks later and it had come down a bit. I went back on the cit foe a couple of weks and then stopped again 2 weeks before bloodtest where it had gone up to 164. She still thinks it is because of citalopram but how can it be?

---------- Post added at 21:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:42 ----------

PLEASE. Someone. I feel so alone with this. I have an amazing husband who has just about had enough of my anxiety. I have no one I can talk to about this

09-07-17, 22:10
What would you like from us here? I don't know if anyone here can be more reassuring than a doctor. If it were me, I wouldn't have come off the citalopram. If there were any signs of anything serious going on, they'd have told you. As has been said, "fatty liver" is a common finding.

Given how frightened you are, I'd go back to your doctor and explain everything. Let the doctor attempt to address it. If anxiety is an ongoing problem for you beyond this one medical occurrence, then you'll need to get some help.

10-07-17, 11:55
I too have a fatty liver. My enzymes were pretty high (alt) but have come down to normal since. They will fluctuate moderately and that's normal. As long as it's not a lot. However, self testing with your meds is a really bad idea.

10-07-17, 16:58
I know that mucking about with citalopram was silly but I desperately needed to know if it was the medication causing the elevated AP level or something else. I am just so scared, especially now with the nausea and a left sided rib pain

10-07-17, 17:35
You need to see your doctor, and you need to tell them everything. They can only help you if you explain everything that's going on.