View Full Version : Please help! Exhausted and scared!

09-07-17, 21:38
I just came back from a trip from a place that has a three hour time difference. I dont know if it is enough to give me jetlag? I feel so exhausted and I keep waking up at night. Recently I had a spike in sleep related anxiety since my doctor told me that she thought I want getting enough sleep at night. Now my worst fears are coming true. I have puffy eyes, bags under my eyes, and I feel fatigued. But the funny thing is, I'm getting almost the same amount of sleep as I always have been. I used to feel fine when I woke up. I get around 6-8 hours(which is normal I think.) So could this all be psychological or could I developing some form of insomnia where I dont feel rested upon waking up. Or could it be 3 hour jetlag that has been lasting for days? I'm really scared that something is going on with my body!

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ----------


09-07-17, 21:48
Sleep anxiety is awful. I dealt with this a few months back.

Ultimately the best thing you can do is try not to worry about it (which is easier said than done) and use medication if you're willing.

Melatonin would be the best place to start. Especially if you are jet lagged. Most people who fly frequently usually take this and I've had some decent results with it.

ZZZQuil if you're desperate. That stuff will guaranteed knock you out but you gotta watch the dosage or you'll wake up feeling groggy. I hated taking this stuff but it was a life saver when I just could not fall asleep for days on end. It would be the one thing that would finally knock me out and keep me knocked out. Just make sure to only use it when you're absolutely desperate for sleep. Don't make it an every night thing.

Also, try reading this, it helped me a lot.


09-07-17, 21:58
Thanks! Its just that the problem is, I am getting enough sleep. Its just that I wake up with massive headaches, sometimes nausea and just plain exhausted. The doctor said everything was fine with me. I don't know if just anxiety could do this though. My anxiety is not as bad as it used to be. I have a problem with excessive daydreaming, could that be the cause of all this?