View Full Version : Constipation worries again

09-07-17, 18:31
Hey so,I made a post earlier today about how I have gotten an x-ray at the ER yesterday for abdominal pain which I thought was appendicitis because the pain was more on the right than left (right now it just migrates to left and right). And the doctor did not want to jump to any conclusions of appendicitis as I told her I have also not been feeling completely 'empty' after going to the bathroom.When the x-ray came back it showed that I was backed up a whole lot,and said it was constipation and gave me an enema. I still have not used the enema or any laxative I have around my house because I'm still scared that this could be appendicitis and laxatives and stuff can make it burst. I am eating more fiber now as I didn't eat a lot of fiber beforehand (drank a lot of water though.) This pain has been going on for four days now. If any could help clear my mind because I am in a dilemma here.. :unsure: also I have right side back pain which I do get when I am constipated for some reason

09-07-17, 20:01
Just do the enema or take a laxative to empty you out. It's foolish to continue doubting the medical professionals who showed you an x-ray proving that you're just FOS ;)

Positive thoughts

09-07-17, 20:45
If it were me I would listen to the professionals and take the laxatives. :)

10-07-17, 03:12
There are methods for relieving the constipation mechanically and through suppository if you end up with a blockage. Take the laxatives. You really need to get things moving. They would have known if it was appendicitis, it's very common.

10-07-17, 03:13
Laxatives don't cause your appendix to burst