View Full Version : Blood Pressure Diagnosis and Fears

09-07-17, 18:41
Hi everyone

I'm turning to you all for some advice and suggestions and help.
I have had health anxiety on and off for many years.
I have been diagnosed with High Blood Pressure.
I was put on a 24 hour monitor a while back and there were some higher than expected results.
I left it for a while and went back on Friday, my BP was 140/98, so the Dr prescribed 2.5mg Lisinopril.
She did not discuss changing my lifestyle etc just straight on tablets.
I'm only 43 so feel I'm too young for HBP, however I did not live a very healthy 20's and 30's and was a big smoker and very sedentary so it makes sense that my body will be affected.
This is upsetting me as I know it is all my own fault and had I looked after myself it all could have been prevented.

However its kicked my anxiety in big time, I'm googling everything about HBP, I feel very emotional all the time, blame myself and just want to constantly hold my son and tell him I love him.

Does anyone have any experience of being on HBP meds for a long time, I dont want to die or end up disabled after a stroke,

Sorry for going on but its been quiet therapeutic even just writing this out!

09-07-17, 19:36
I know folks who have been on Blood Pressure meds for 20+ years! My Mother in Law has been on them since she was 18 and she's 56 now! Periodically they have to adjust them but she does everything other folks do

09-07-17, 20:08
I have heart disease. Two heart attacks, triple bypass and stents (1st heart attack in my late 40's). I'm on heart meds including lisinopril for life. 2.5mg is a very low dose (I'm on 10mg 2x a day). Take your meds, eat a heart healthy diet, exercise and don't smoke.

Treating your anxiety will also help reduce your body's reaction to stress.

Positive thoughts

old fred
09-07-17, 20:45
I have been on blood pressure meds for over 20 years take your tablets as stated,go for check every 6 months and life is normal so stay calm.

09-07-17, 21:13
Wow thank you all for taking the time to respond to me
It's very calming to hear that people can be on meds for HBP for 20-30 years

The whole thing has given me a real kick up the ass to turn my health around
I just need to get off google investigating every symptom of Hypertension!!!

Thanks again