View Full Version : Paranormal activity

09-07-17, 20:08
For my whole life I've been experiencing paranormal activity within my home. This, obviously, caused masses of fear and stress. I am now very much over it and not scared at all.
I have depression and anxiety and on sertraline 75mg (recently upped).
Today, a few days before my nans death anniversary, my house has began to act funny again.
Firstly, I was in my room with the radio on loud and it gradually turned itself down until it was off (this has happened before when I was younger).
The second thing I went downstairs and turned my TV on, went into the kitchen and back and the TV turned off completely. I only had just turned it on.
Thirdly, there was a massive thud from my room, that sounded liek my window was being shut. I went up and nothing (this could be something else though)
And finally, about 1 hr ago I put my electric fan on facing the rest of the room and my desk is to the right. The fan kept stopping directly at me, when it's on 180 turn. I went to get a drink after 30 mins came back and the whole fan was facing the other side obviously I didn't touch this as I'm not even near it.
My family knows my house is haunted as I have video and picture proof, however they're saying it's my anxiety and asking if I took my medication! I'm highly offended as yes, I do hallucinate when I'm half asleep, but I'm not completely mad to see things like this!!! Please help?

09-07-17, 21:26

Do you think it could be some kind of electric fluctuation which could be causing these electrical issues? Maybe an electrican should test the circuits etc.

I do believe in paranormal stuff so your house could be haunted , maybe get a priest to read some prayers, it could help.

11-07-17, 19:16
If you're a religious person I recommend you seek help from your place of worship.

11-07-17, 19:38
If you're a religious person I recommend you seek help from your place of worship.

I agree they should be happy and also excited to help. Also avoid anyone who claims to be spiritual and promises they can sort this out in exchange for money as that's probably a conman/woman.

11-07-17, 19:52
Try again lost my post here pushed the wrong button, and couldn't get back to it lol Hmm This is interesting. Ok the Tv (is it a old Tv and has it happened before?) I have had a couple of TV's that would turn them selves off and with one it got worse, Note: this is not a wiring fault in your house, but you could check the plug on the tv and make sure the terminal screws are tight etc so you have solid connection.

The Radio is this a new radio has it a remote? That might have dropped down the side of a chair/sofa and this caused the volume to be turned down? This too has happened to me on more than one occasion, but you were in the room at the time very strange

The Fan now this is interesting you say you left the room and the whole fan when you returned was turned round and facing the other way is this correct? It's as though it's been picked up turned around and then placed down again? That I cant explain unless there was other people in the house do you live on your own?

I too like Hollow have a very open mind about the paranormal I used to be very sceptical like nah no such things as ghosts but after seeing lots of docs on Tv well while I am not 100% convinced Iam 70% convinced there is some truth in it ;)

Have you ever been harmed in any way during your life by anything strange going on?
Have things been thrown across the room etc?
If it does bother you then get a paranormal expert in to help ! As for video proof would love to see the video of it :)Thanks for your story and no you aint going crazy and you aren't mad either. Cheers

11-07-17, 20:03
Try again lost my post here pushed the wrong button, and couldn't get back to it lol

I too like Hollow have a very open mind about the paranormal I used to be very sceptical like nah no such things as ghosts but after seeing lots of docs on Tv well while I am not 100% convinced Iam 70% convinced there is some truth in it ;)

Your phone is probably possessed bigboy :D Yeah i was also pretty sceptical about this stuff but I've had some personal experiences with the paranormal and i pretty much believe there is supernatural stuff going on in the world.

11-07-17, 20:16
Your phone is probably possessed bigboy :D Yeah i was also pretty sceptical about this stuff but I've had some personal experiences with the paranormal and i pretty much believe there is supernatural stuff going on in the world. LOL Hollow (not sure why you think my phone is ha ha :D) I actually a few years ago would have totally laughed at these stories but now like I say 70% of me is saying there has to be some truth in all this, so I don't discredit the OP's story. and find it a very fasinaiting subject to watch and debate :) Cheers

14-07-17, 02:50
Well who knows if ghosts exist or not, but if you experienced what you experienced then it must've been something. But if the 'spirit' or whatever you want to refer to it as was malevolent, then you'd probably have known about it after all this time, whereas this apparent one is merely subtly adjusting and moving things. If you take that sort of stuff seriously and are religious, then speak to your local church or take a Bible or whatever Holy Book it is you take guidance from and keep it next to your bed, if only for a feeling of security. But honestly, I know it's creepy and I hate all things paranormal, but you get these sorts of things happening everywhere so I wouldn't feel too threatened or 'picked out'. Maybe one day science will be able to explain this phenomena, or pin it down on the supernatural. But just relax, this 'spirit' isn't malevolent and they can't harm you if they do exist. :)