View Full Version : Problem with passing urine

10-07-17, 06:29
Hey everyone,

Recently, i've had a real issue with passing urine. Sometimes I have this sudden urge to go, only to get to the toilet and be completely unable to. Of course, my anxiety prone mind has completely gone off on a tangent and has me worrying about everything from bladder cancer, to prostate cancer, to kidney stones.

Last week I had tests done which found I did not have a UTI. I also do not have HIV, chlamydia or syphillis. So, my mind is beginning to freak me out. As a 19 year old, I know it's probably unlikely to be a cancer of some kind, but it is pretty troubling. I'm also worried by the idea there is some kind of blockage, or that there is something wrong with my kidneys. I just went to the toilet and I urinated slightly, but not for as long or as I felt was adequate, and still kind of feel like I need to go.

I will make a GP appointment today and if it gets worse will go to A&E, but I'm just so worried.


10-07-17, 12:20
If you're constipated as well this could be causing difficulty passing urine. I've had this before and doctors said not uncommon. If not, and it continues definitely go back to doctors and they can do ultrasound to make sure there's no blockages, stones etc.