View Full Version : Low Ferritin (Iron) - Unknown Cause

10-07-17, 14:28
I don't exactly "fear" or have much anxiety over the issue (well, compared to past experiences and other anxiety-inducing situations and thoughts), but I've had low Ferritin for the past couple of years or so.

It all started when getting bloodwork from my Testosterone doctor. My liver enzymes came up elevated, potentially due to stress or whatnot. So they sent me to a Gastroenterologist to have my body looked at. He ran more bloodwork and my liver enzymes went down a bit, but my Ferritin was very low overall. He stated that it is usually an issue with woman who menstruate due to blood loss. Otherwise it can be caused by inadequate dietary intake, inadequate absorption (which could be disease related) or an internal bleed somewhere (fun).

So he ran some tests - a take home Stool Test (sorry if that's too much information), an Endoscopy and a Colonoscopy. All came back pretty clear, but he did say I had some minor erosion from the Endoscopy and to take some over the counter antacids. No problem. He wanted to do a Capsule Endoscopy, but I never got the chance because his office was quite far and for that I'd have to go there once to swallow the capsule and put on a vest, go back the same day to get the vest removed, and another day to go over the results, and maybe even another day if something came up. Honestly, I was getting married at the time last year and had a lot on my plate, so it fell by the wayside. I wish I had just gotten it over with, but I didn't.

My Ferritin levels went up after another round of bloodwork at my Testosterone doctor's office. Not a ton, but enough to be out of the really low red area. Yay. I didn't even think about it anymore and went on my ways to deal with other medical issues (more fun).

Late June of this year (2017) I had routine bloodwork. I talked to the PA and told her I wanted to get a bunch of stuff checked, like my Ferritin, Vitamin D and more. She obliged since they were taking blood anyway and it's no more money to me. The results came back and my Ferritin level was like a 6 or 7 - the lowest it had ever been for me and the lowest that she had ever seen. She said I should start taking an Iron supplement (which I did the same day) and schedule an appointment with a Hemotologist (which is scary, because they're also cancer doctors and that's... scary).

So tomorrow I turn 29 (also scary) and have this idea that something may be gravely wrong with me. Like cancer in my bone marrow, some sort of internal bleed, etc. I mean, the cause I see for men is that it's either disease causing a lack of absorption or an internal bleed.

Has anyone else dealt with this before?

10-07-17, 15:48
I had this, which was unusual, I'm also a guy in my 20's. Mine wasn't quite as low. Get checked for celiac or gluten intolerance maybe?

10-07-17, 19:18
I had a ferritin level of 6 about five or 6 years ago. It turns out I had pernicious anaemia which goes hand in hand with low ferritin levels. I now have B12 injections and take a ferritin supplement. Incidentally, my GP wanted to refer me to a haematologist, but I was too scared to go.

10-07-17, 21:14
My ferritin levels are low but im not anemic and my actual iron levels are fine. I do alot of long distance running 20 to 30km a week and if you look this up low ferritin levels is usual for people who do alot of running mainly due to feet constantly hitting the ground amd sweat loss. Dont know if you run alot. Im bot worried about because if my iron levels where bad i reckon i wouldnt be able to run and train 5 times a week. I tried supplements but they wrecked my stomach so stopped taking them. By the way my doctor wasnt concerned as all my other blood tests where perfect.

11-07-17, 04:48
My ferritin levels were 5 in 2015. They did iron infusions and then ran all the gut tests and never found a cause. They decided it must be an absorption issue.

11-07-17, 21:50
I am having the same issue, my doctor said i'm a little low in ferritin, but i forgot to ask for a print out, im on iron supplements but still feeling bad, so don't really know what to do.

18-07-17, 11:20
I have low iron issues - I had the gastroscopy/colonoscopy because they suspected an internal bleed (both came back negative) so they have now scheduled me for a CT scan with contrast which I am petrified about having done.

I think my drinking nothing but tea (16-20 cups a day) for the past X number of years is causing poor iron absorption but I could be trying to sugar coat things in my own mind.

18-07-17, 13:40
I had this, which was unusual, I'm also a guy in my 20's. Mine wasn't quite as low. Get checked for celiac or gluten intolerance maybe?

I think I've been checked for that years ago. Is that another blood test?

---------- Post added at 08:33 ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 ----------

I had a ferritin level of 6 about five or 6 years ago. It turns out I had pernicious anaemia which goes hand in hand with low ferritin levels. I now have B12 injections and take a ferritin supplement. Incidentally, my GP wanted to refer me to a haematologist, but I was too scared to go.

Pernicious Anaemia? That sounds rather... scary, actually. I can't do B12 injections due to it increasing red blood cell count, I believe. I know my PA has said not to take any Vitamin B supplements due to it.

How are you feeling with the iron supplement?

---------- Post added at 08:35 ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 ----------

My ferritin levels are low but im not anemic and my actual iron levels are fine. I do alot of long distance running 20 to 30km a week and if you look this up low ferritin levels is usual for people who do alot of running mainly due to feet constantly hitting the ground amd sweat loss. Dont know if you run alot. Im bot worried about because if my iron levels where bad i reckon i wouldnt be able to run and train 5 times a week. I tried supplements but they wrecked my stomach so stopped taking them. By the way my doctor wasnt concerned as all my other blood tests where perfect.

I am by no means a runner lol. I am sorry, but I despite running for the most part. I do weight train 5 or 6 days a week and add in other forms of cardio-like work, like using battle ropes. So, I do sweat a fair amount due to it.

As for the supplement, the one I got from GNC was horrendous on my stomach. The guy at GNC said it would be a bit tougher on my stomach, but I figured I could handle it. First night I was on the bathroom floor with massive amounts of nausea and acid reflux. I cut it in half and it was a bit more tolerable for a couple of days, but then it returned. I just got a new supplement off of Amazon the other day that is easier on the stomach and I haven't had the same issues. Look for one of those!

---------- Post added at 08:37 ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 ----------

My ferritin levels were 5 in 2015. They did iron infusions and then ran all the gut tests and never found a cause. They decided it must be an absorption issue.

The Hematologist suggested infusions, but I really am not supposed to due to being on testosterone replacement therapy. They both increase red blood cell count, meaning I'd have to then donate blood or do a therapeutic phlebotomy to lower the count, subsequently lowering my ferritin levels again. That's the way the Hematologist made it seem, at least.

---------- Post added at 08:38 ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 ----------

I am having the same issue, my doctor said i'm a little low in ferritin, but i forgot to ask for a print out, im on iron supplements but still feeling bad, so don't really know what to do.

How long have you been on the supplement? If it's an oral supplement, it can take weeks to take effect. Infusions are more immediate. It's also good to take it with Vitamin C to enhance absorption, so I've been trying to take my iron supplement with Apple Juice.

---------- Post added at 08:40 ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 ----------

I have low iron issues - I had the gastroscopy/colonoscopy because they suspected an internal bleed (both came back negative) so they have now scheduled me for a CT scan with contrast which I am petrified about having done.

I think my drinking nothing but tea (16-20 cups a day) for the past X number of years is causing poor iron absorption but I could be trying to sugar coat things in my own mind.

Gah, CAT Scans are nothing to be worried about. The only aspect I didn't like was the slightly metallic taste in my mouth, but they're nothing to be fearful of. You'll be fine :)

That's... a lot of tea. I am no doctor, so I cannot say whether or not that has had an effect. Maybe a Nutritionist would know more about that?