View Full Version : The struggle is real..

10-07-17, 16:27
Hi, my name is Brianna and I am struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. I struggled with this issue 3 or 4 years ago. My Dr perscribeled me Elavil which worked wonders for me put made me put on 40-50 pounds that I was unable to loose even with the help of a physical trainer and strict dieting so I eventually got off the medicine and have done amazing without medicine. Fast forward to now. About 4 weeks ago I went on a family vacation with my family and my sister's family. The whole time my sister and her husband fought. It seemed to really stressed me out and I had several panic attacks on the vacation. When we came home I was fine. Then I started having 2 panic attacks a week. Then the next week it was almost every day until one day I was on like a full blown panic it seemed for several hours that I made my husband bring me to the ER. They gave me what I think was a Ambien I'm not exactly sure I know it started with an A.
I followed up with my doctor the next day and we started welbutrin and she gave me buspar to take as needed. It has been 9 days since I started the welbutrin and I haven't taken the buspar. I want to believe it has helped me but I don't think so. I still feel very anxious. I feel like I'm constantly worrying about the next panic attack. I have gotten depressed behind all of this because I desperately want to be back to myself. I get even worse around 7pm. It's like I get so nervous that I'm going to go into a panic and get sick to my stomach. I'm crying at least 2 times a day because I just want to be well again. I follow up with my doctor this Friday to discuss everything and she said I may need to even try a new medicine which absolutely scares me to take new medicine because I'm always scared they will make me feel crazy like the zoloft did me one time or make me sick to my stomach. I feel at such a lost and the worse part is I'm a bus driver and have to return to school in 3 weeks. So I have 3 weeks to get this under control. I have an appointment Wednesday with a counselor and I'm waiting for the psychologist to call and set up an appointment with them. I feel like I am doing all I can and using resources but I just can't shake it

10-07-17, 16:36
Hiya Bordeneaux and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: