View Full Version : Skin cancer fear: just like every summer

10-07-17, 17:27
Hi everyone, I am going to go and see my doctor tomorrow (ugh I hate it as he always inwardly sighs when I walk in the room) but I just needed to speak to someone, albeit virtually, as my HA is off the scale today.

I've been going through a really tough time with my skin generally. I got bitten about 20 times a few weeks ago whilst gardening and walking my dog. One of these bites led to cellulitis and I have not long finished anti bionics for that. 2 of these bites were next to/on existing moles and I mentioned these to the doc and he said just to keep an eye on them (they were scabbed over / bleeding where the bite was). Both have now healed.

Then, a week ago, I got bitten AGAIN (I am a magnet for bugs) on both of my lower legs. A day after I got the bite I got up in the morning with an uncontrollable urge to scratch it. I did. And I brushed over something else... A mole - probably 5-6cm away from the bite - that was very red and inflamed. It's probably 4mm in size, flat, previously all light brown, and it was inflamed in the centre pretty much. At the time, having had 2 moles with bites not long before, I brushed it off, but this wasn't like a bite. It was quote angry looking and red. I managed to not think too much about it and just thought I would keep an eye on it. But thats failed me and I have done nothing but google image search melanoma ever since... read sad stories about misdiagnosis or melanoma etc. etc.

This mole now has a little scab in the centre of it. A few days ago I picked that off and it bled for a few seconds, it's scabbed over again now and I will leave it alone. The mole is still round/even and hasn't grown. It's just got a scab on it. I know you can't diagnose me but does this sound like something to worry about? As I say, I know I need to check with the doctor and I will.

I have a melanoma scare every single year at this time of year. It's so so frustrating.

Any help or reassurance would be gratefully received. Lots of best wishes to all my fellow Health Anxiety battling individuals. I thought I was getting better this past month. Ugh...

10-07-17, 17:48
Hey I also get worried over skin cancer especially this time of the year. Of course I am no doctor but what you have described sounds like the mole has just been irritated, if it was something sinister I doubt it would scab over and heal either it would just get worse, maybe put some cream on that heals wounds or moisturises dry skin. If you are still worried then of course see a doctor but mainly to put your own fears at ease :)

10-07-17, 17:58
Thank you so much for replying :), I am glad I'm not the only one, but hope you manage to get through this summer without having this worry.

I have done just that and covered it over to avoid it rubbing on anything (It's right where the seam sits on my trousers/jeans). It very much looks like a small cut or bite that's healing that happens to be on a mole but, as I am sure you'll agree, when skin cancer is one of your major triggers any change, even with a rational explanation, is something that immediately sends me in to a terrible anxiety cycle.

I think I will go to the doctor about it tomorrow anyway if I can get an appointment to hopefully put my mind at ease. I feel like covering up and staying indoors forever to protect my skin from any more bites or irritation but, ironically, being in the garden and walking in the countryside is one of the best ways for me to distract myself from my anxiety.

10-07-17, 22:11
Is it possible you just scratched the mole when you scratched your leg?

My son did that to a mole on his face the other day. At first, I was freaking b/c it just looked inflamed and like it was changing. The next day it formed a scab, and I realized he had scratched it off. I asked him if he had scratched at it, and he said yes.

Given that it looked like a scratch, I pretty much chilled about it. MY other son has also done the same to moles. It happens.

11-07-17, 13:36
Thanks for replying. I am certain I DID scratch it (that's how I noticed it as I was furiously scratching a bite nearby it). I may even have a bite ON it. I don't know.

I was going to see the doctor today but my daughter is sick so I haven't been able to. My husband now says that he thinks I should wait it out for a week or so and see if it just heals up. It looks a lot better than it did a week ago. The redness has virtually gone. It's got clear edges, is pretty symmetrical and although it does have two colours (light brown and the 'irritated' bit which is slightly red-tinged), if it is just irritated that should continue to heal.

Fingers crossed. I am going to try and make it through another week without going to the doctor to seek reassurance. Unless it bleeds again or looks like it's continuing to change.