View Full Version : Girlfriend left due to High Anxiety / Depression

11-07-17, 04:54
So I've been on somewhat of a mission lately.

My absolutely wonderful girlfriend of 1 1/2 years left seemingly out of the blue left me. Our relationship had been phenomenal with very little headache or fighting for the first year and four months.

And then something changed.... Out of no where her personality changed, she grew somewhat distant, we started fighting over extremely petty issues... bright lights, loud noises such as the kids running through the house were giving her almost sensory overload.

It got to the point our own room was nearly dark 24/7 and then at lunch one day she just started crying for no reason at all.

Then just like that after what I would consider a fairly standard relationship type argument she packed all her things and ran out the door.

I've since only spoken to her twice, the first time we actually were able to speak face to face three days later at her work while we exchanged a few of her things. She seemed fairly well put together but still off..

She says she didn't hate me and that she needed to be incredibly selfish right now and work on herself and that "I think you and I both know this isn't over between us." Asking her what exactly that meant she simply stated she couldn't tell the future or give me a time frame.

This gave me hope, three days later I attempted to give her a few more things I had found around the house and she completely blew me off stating "I was creating to much pressure" and that she "couldn't do this anymore"

Fast forward a week and a half and she texts me, I ask how she's doing.......

"I'm doing better. It's really slow I can tell but I'm not going to worry about measuring time."

I tell her she has all the time in the world and that I worry about her. Her response?

"I just do a lot of self-thought, I haven't wanted to hurt myself yet"


I am so completely and utterly confused, I don't know what I did exactly that was wrong in our relationship, I tried to get her to a doctor I brought her material I had picked up at a local behavioral health clinic in our area but nothing I seam to do is the right thing.

I honestly don't know if I'm supposed to wait because she just might be sick and will eventually snap out of it and come back to me or if I need to take her for her actions and move on...

I am so lost

21-07-17, 06:53
Thankj you for your advices. It is very useful