View Full Version : Are you like me?

11-07-17, 09:14
Im trying to make sense of my brain. I ve had health anxiety ever since I was 8 when I was convinced I had AIDS. Im now 44 and its worse than ever. I just dont understand why. My main fear is melanoma. Why I dont know. Is it because its a cancer I can see with my eyes? Is it because I actually know about 6 people who have had it and its meant to be not common. Is it worse than ever because I have 2 young boys who I cant bare the thought of leaving behind. Is it because I was abused when young? Is it because apparently my grandmother had health anxiety? Oh and dont get me wrong, Im terrified of cancer all round. Im scared to have sex incase I bleed and its cervical cancer, every 2 years when I get a pap smear Im convinced this time will be a bad result. In the last 2 weeks Ive been to dr about spots on skin which she has said not a concern but now Im at the point even her word I cant believe for more than a day. I wonder if I have anxiety I dont know where to channel and choose something on my body to focus on. Ive doubled my meds and still feel so anxious. I forced myself to get a blood test 3 weeks ago as Ive only ever had 2 before when pregnant and though by finally doing that and getting a good result id feel better but results were perfect and I still feel the intense fear. Has anyone used a hypnotherapist? if its in your genes is this just the way Im going to be for the rest of my life? Does CBT take long to work?

11-07-17, 09:48
Yes... i am exactly the same, I actually mentioned in a previous post that I was also 8 when my H.A started when I thought I had aids too. My current worry is also Melanoma. Re previous post about 2 small black things I scratched off. I'm convinced they were melanoma and now it must have spread. I am planning on increasing my medication this week. :)

11-07-17, 11:00
Yes all the time, I worry a lot about cancer and scared about every mark, symptom I get. I had CBT in the past but it did not work for me (flight mode) mainly it is penile, testicles, bowel and lots of others. I am going to talk to my GP about my worries

11-07-17, 15:27
Absolutely. I can panic over stuff I must have always had (a weird shaped bone that I found upon weight loss) unexplained weight loss (now coming up to a year since I lost my dad, or ate with regularity) and now it is a long list of what it's about skin, any pain whatsoever including the monthlies and basically anything I think about for too long. It sucks, but we are alive and must concentrate on that. Mine started when I was 7, after nearly dying from meningitis!