View Full Version : Anyone revisit their symptoms again and again?

11-07-17, 13:05
Does anyone ever revisit past worries and start worrying all over again about something that has already been checked medically? Felt a small soft lump on the side of my neck in the collar bone area about 12 months ago and immediately panicked. Went to see the doc and went for an ultrasound - sonographer said it was a small lymph node but nothing to worry about. Doctor's notes said 'normal, no action.' Last night out of the blue I was working at my desk and for some reason decided to feel it again - it was as if my mind suddenly remembered it. Yep, there it was, still the same I think, although my mind was trying to remember if it was the same size and the panic has set in all over again - I am sure it has not changed - still a small soft lump but am now desperately trying to work out if it is the same size - surely if there was anything nasty going on, I would be ill by now? I have no other symptoms and feel very well apart from this anxiety.

11-07-17, 13:23
Constantly. I think with health anxiety one of the worst parts is not trusting your doctor. I have been told that my problem is stable and just requires checking on, and doesn't even need to be checked until next year, yet not a day goes by that I don't symptom spot, obsess over every ache and pain and wonder if I should go to a different gp and get a second opinion....that's why I'm on here tonight, actually. Trying to distract myself from a few niggly feelings (not even pains) and the merry go round of obsessive worries that go with them.
We aren't doctors and the doctors we have would not be allowed to practise if they made bad mistakes. Doctors err on the side of caution when asking for tests, so if they say everything is ok it has to be....easy to say, not so easy to remember when you're in the moment.
Take care

11-07-17, 13:30
Does anyone ever revisit past worries and start worrying all over again about something that has already been checked medically?

Probably 90%+ do that here ;)

Positive thoughts

11-07-17, 14:51
Yes that's me too. :(

11-07-17, 15:44
Thanks for all your replies - guess I was looking for more reassurance that there is nothing wrong and not to worry as I've had the node for over 12 months!