View Full Version : Basal Cell Carcinoma - While Pregnant

11-07-17, 14:25

Not sure where to post but this seemed to be the most relevant topic. I am currently 16 weeks (My anxiety is always at its worst while I'm pregnant) and have just been referred to a specialist for a basal cell carcinoma. I have had the 'spot?' for about 2 years possibly longer and i didn't really get bothered by it until another one popped up next to it. I have both stupidly but greatfully looked up Basal Cell carcinoma on my good friend google which has actually given me a little comfort that it is not life threatening but now I'm convinced I have them all over. Im blonde, blue eyed and have hardly every worn sun cream.

Has anyone experienced this while pregnant? does anyone have any experience in what is likely to happen at the referral, waiting times etc? Dr said usually up to 18 weeks but he has requested I am seen sooner but didn't know how long - this also made me worry a little more that it may be more serious.

I think it is a lot of pregnancy hormones, a lot of things happening at once and just being absolutely exhausted but any experiences anyone can share that may might me relax a little, My mind keeps wandering to the 'what ifs' even when logically I know i'm being ridiculous, I just can't seem to stop! x

11-07-17, 18:01
I have never experienced it while pregnant, nor do I have experience with the British health system, but I have had a BCC removed.

You don't say where yours is? The treatment will vary depending on location, but you will be awake for the procedure. I doubt pregnancy would complicate or affect treatment at all, short of the kind of numbing medicine used.

Good luck! Maybe it's not even a BCC!!!

11-07-17, 19:34
Thank you for replying, it's on the side of nose exactly where people have it pierced if that makes any sense. Dr was pretty sure it was but the dermatologist wil be able to tell me for certain.

11-07-17, 19:39
If it's on your nose, you will probably get Mohs surgery. That is a tissue sparing surgery, and they check immediately to see if they got all the cancer. If they didn't they go level by level until it's gone., and it has the best cosmetic outcome. Mine was not on my face so I just had a regular incision to get mine.

I have another biopsy out for something on my face so not thrilled about it, but it's really not the end of the world. You will do fine!

11-07-17, 21:51
I was convinced I had this (I have a few on my face) and was sent to a dermatologist and it was sebaceous hyperplasia (sp?). Got it in my 20s which is younger than usual but it's harmless...it could also be that

bin tenn
11-07-17, 23:45
Sorry you have to deal with that, Carla, but I'm glad to hear it's nothing serious. I have no experience with it myself, but I think the advice given is great. Just wanted to say good luck and I hope you're well soon. :)