View Full Version : Als Fears

11-07-17, 15:31
Hi Everyone,

I posted a couple days ago regarding some finger twitching. I didn't receive any comments yet, but Here I go again with some more issues and backstory.

I'm a 26 y/o female.

A few months ago I noticed my middle finger on my right hand was twitching from side to side, and also felt my right hand was cramping/felt strained. I ignored it, and eventually went away.

A couple days ago my pointer finger started doing the same thing. I thought it was just at rest, but I noticed that if I do something like use my index finger to open a door knob it would start twitching (side to side mostly, sometimes front to back). It is a very strange sensation, and I know when its happening without looking at it because I can feel it. That same day my right hand felt strained, some pins and needles feeling and just a little weaker than my right hand.

I noticed that when I was holding a cookie between my right hand index finger and thumb it was shakier than if I did the same thing with my left hand. The twitch on my index finger happens often, about two or three times every 30 min, especially if I am using that finger for something.

I of course used Dr. Google. and read some ALS forums and have scared myself sh**less. I do not want to post on there as I would be ashamed to ask people who are really diagnosed with this disease about my symptoms and beg them to tell me "you don't have it." I recognize how selfish we can be about HA though, so I do not judge anyone who has done that, I have felt like doing it myself.

I have an appt to see a neurologist in a couple of weeks, but I've just graduated grad school and have a huge exam right before then, so I'm trying to calm myself down so I can concentrate. I'm sure as many of you know suffering from health anxiety (which I'm fairly certain I have some of that, as I've posted here before about other symptoms, so either I'm the unluckiest girl on the planet, or I have HA).

Anyone with any advice or can help me calm down is greatly welcome. I will remember to post again once I meet with my neurologist so that if it turns out to be nothing, someone else reading this post can relax.

11-07-17, 16:22
Please read this... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) And PLEASE do not go on or post on the ALS forums!

Positive thoughts

Health Anxiety Dad
11-07-17, 17:16
ALS twitching generally comes after clinical weakness and atrophy. If you had ALS you'd be dropping the cookie and unable to open a door knob. Furthermore, pins and needles are not a sign of ALS, as ALS is a disease of the motor neurons, not sensory neurons. That's why the British call it Motor Neuron Disease. ALS patients feel fine, but their body just suddenly stops working bit by bit. No pain, no funky sensations, just motor neuron death. It's horrifying, but you actually don't have the symptoms in the right order. Is muscle twitching a symptom? Yes, but it is generally third in the order of things.

11-07-17, 18:09
Thank you both. This does make me feel better. After reading Fishmanpa's post about clinical weakness vs. perceived weakness I think I understand what you are saying, that CLINICAL weakness would have had to likely showed up before any other strange cramps or tweaks, not just the perceived weakness I am feeling now.

While I do have HA, I am pretty good about feeling better once I see a doctor, so once that happens in a couple weeks (three) I will reply to this thread, or make a new one so more people can see it.

11-07-17, 18:32
After reading Fishmanpa's post about clinical weakness vs. perceived weakness I think I understand what you are saying, that CLINICAL weakness would have had to likely showed up before any other strange cramps or tweaks, not just the perceived weakness I am feeling now.

Exactly! ALS is about failing not feeling.

Positive thoughts