View Full Version : Headache advise please. Really panicking.

11-07-17, 20:15
I'm hoping someone can stop me spiralling.

About three weeks ago I got pain behind my eyes for a few days. Quickly followed by sore throat, a cold and productive cough and then bronchitis. I've been on amoxicillin since Friday. The cough and chest stuff has more or less gone now.

For the past few days I have been having the most horrendous headache. I never get headaches prior to this. Yesterday I went to urgent care because I was worried my head would explode. Every time I coughed it was agony in my head and it was behind my eyes, forehead and the top of my head. I got CoCodomol and did manage to sleep.

Today the pain is less and I've managed without painkillers but it's still behind the eyes, and now at the base of my skull and right temple.

Surely a headache should have gone by now shouldn't it. Can anyone shed any light please? I'm imagining all sorts.

Gary A
11-07-17, 20:40
You most probably have sinusitis that is giving you this headache. The symptoms of a sinus headache can actually last for weeks in some cases.

11-07-17, 22:28
Sounds like a bad virus. My kid recently brought home a nasty one. I had those symptoms for over three weeks. Sorry.

11-07-17, 23:14
Thanks for your replies. Painkillers aren't doing anything. Isn't it a sign of something more serious when you have a headache that won't go with painkillers?

11-07-17, 23:38
Thanks for your replies. Painkillers aren't doing anything. Isn't it a sign of something more serious when you have a headache that won't go with painkillers?

Not really you could have a pinched nerve or a strained muscle in the neck causing the headaches I have that right now and my head has been throbbing for the past 4 days along with dizziness and alot of pressure behind the eyes. Please try to stop yourself from going down that road.

12-07-17, 02:07
I get terrible headaches behind my eyes with sinus infections. Antibiotics won't take it out of it's a virus, unfortunately, so you may just have to wait it out.

Please check with your doctor, but something that might help is a sinus rinse like the neilmed one or something similar. If you do use it, be sure to follow the instructions and do not use straight tap water.

I hope you feel better soon.

12-07-17, 02:25
I was taking 600-800 mg of ibuprofen every six hours as per docs orders... Still had a bad headache because awful virus.

12-07-17, 09:19
Even very bad headaches are usually nothing to worry about, and it's an annoying fact that the more you stress about them the worse they get.

Pop to the doctors, but with the attitude of "how can I make this stop?" Rather than "OMG what's wrong with me?". You may need antibiotics to clear something up.

12-07-17, 18:15
Thanks everyone. I've just finished the antibiotics and the cough seems to be a bit worse today. I took an Ibuprofen this morning and it took the pain away for a few hours. Now it's back but not as bad and I've got random stabbing pains in my head.

If it was something like an aneurysm or bleed or meningitis, would I have had worse issues by now? It's been four days.

13-07-17, 07:50
Thanks everyone. I've just finished the antibiotics and the cough seems to be a bit worse today. I took an Ibuprofen this morning and it took the pain away for a few hours. Now it's back but not as bad and I've got random stabbing pains in my head.

If it was something like an aneurysm or bleed or meningitis, would I have had worse issues by now? It's been four days.

Three weeks into meningitis you would be in intensive care (in fact three days you would). I've had meningitis and it's not something you would be posting on Internet forums for days or weeks pondering about. You would have a whole raft of other alarming symptom and be dramatically and terrifyingly ill. Put that out of your head.

Sometimes doctors need a few go's with antibiotics to get the right one for a particular infection. just go back and explain it hasn't worked.