View Full Version : racing thoughts

13-05-07, 13:30
Hi everyone,

does anyone have any advice on dealing with a head full of anxiety type thoughts that wont switch off.

I've felt this building up again over the last couple of weeks and havent been sleeping well again. My mind feels like its whirling round and round. I cant think straight, I get lightheaded, I'm tearful, stomach in a knot, aching back etc. Ive just shouted at my son and ended up in tears in argos car park (of all places lol!)...I've given him a big hug and apologised. I feel like theres not enough of me to go round and I'm going to explode into thousands of pieces. I feel overwhelmed by everything, I jump at car horns, the phone ringing, and the sight of an ambulance or fire engine has me in bits thinking something terrible has happened to someone I love.

Everything seems wrong and full of worry. Work, home, kids, life. Thousands of potential disasters waiting to happen....and I know its irrational but I cant stop.

Please can anyone tell me how to switch this off.

Sorry to be a pain.

luv Coni X

13-05-07, 14:01
Take a big deep breath and breath. Sounds like you have alot going on at the moment. Is there anything in perticular that is making you worry?
When i have alot going on in my head the best thing i can do is write a list of everything thats worring me no matter how small. Then i see if i can tackle a few of therm. Even if its just doing the washing or phoning someone back.
The other thing i find useful is destracting myslef for a while. Do something you get really absobed in like play a game or something. Just to give your mind a brake.
Also relaxation might help to stop the worry. It sounds like your quite wound up.
Hope this helps.
Take care

13-05-07, 14:17
Hi - I get this. I also find writing a list helps me. And the distraction thing works too - I do jigsaws which works for me. And I go swimming. It just gives me chance to escape my own head thoughts.

Are you seeing a Dr? I think you may need someone to unload this pressure in your head. I find off-loading to my councellor is a big release.

13-05-07, 15:04
Try physcally slowing down. By that I mean walking at a slower pace, shopping slower etc etc. I found that really helped me as I didn't realise how fast I did everything!

Kay x

13-05-07, 16:30
Pips gave me this tip a couple of years ago which helps me with either racing or negative thoughts.

As soon as I am aware I am doing it then I imagine a lollipop ladies stop sign in my head and I say to myself STOP!!!! I know that sounds too simplistic but it helps me to realise I am doing it and at least try and change tack.

If you have worrying thoughts write them down on a peice of paper, on the left hand side and then make another column in the middle and another column on the right.

In the middle column write down how likely it is that the thought is going to happen etc and then in the right hand column put what possible action you can take to sort it out.

Some of your thoughts won't be problems or worries as such so they may not need the middle column, they may just simply be things you need to do.

I felt a bit overwhelmed recently about diy jobs that need doing around the house - so I made a simple list of them in order of priority and I will tackle them one by one. By doing this I no longer have to carry the thoughts in my head freeing up the space for much nicer thoughts!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-05-07, 17:06
Thank you so much guys...I'm just a blubbering wreck today. I think the list writing is a good idea, I'll try the columns thing piglet, never thought of doing that. Problem is when I get like this the thoughts get all jumbled and frantic and I cant think staright so I guess listing them may help me sort out whats real and whats not (its the 'what ifs' that drive me crazy).

I'll also try the visualisation of the lollipop lady...I need simplistic things at times like this.

Blackie...thanks for replying, youre right I am very wound up....I have a relaxation cd...maybe I need to dig it out again.

Sam, i see a psychologist and I wonder if maybe things have been stirred up a bit which has led to this....then again maybe its just me lol!

Kay, you're right I have been haring around a bit, with my heart pounding and stomach churning just for good measure.

I have now resorted to taking kalms as I have kept blubbering all day, just with pure anxiety I think. I know its not the answer and I should find strategies to deal with times like this, but today has been so bad and now I'm dreading work tomorrow...I cant cry every time someone speaks to me and I've a horrible meeting to go to, and loads to do and not enough hours to do it.

Anyway thanks again....what would I do without you all?

luv Coni XX

13-05-07, 18:02
Hi Coni

Remember the wasps nest? And how wasps don't like fumes?

Think of each wasp as a thought and when you unleash the 'fume machine' (aren't I behaving myself well here?!!) :blush:, watch the thoughts get gradually more sluggish until they slow down enough for you to see each one for what it is - a thought.

luvs you lots

GG :hugs::hugs::hugs:

13-05-07, 18:33
Hi GG,

I really dont know whether to thank you for your reply or to say well done for managing to refrain from toilet humour lol (or do we have to go back to the pink naughty step??!)

I think the fume machine and the wasps will complement the lolipop lady with the stop sign very nicely (.....see... now I have yet another image in my head which I'm not entirely sure is therapeutic:ohmy: lol!!)

thank you GG

luv Coni XX:hugs: :hugs:

13-05-07, 18:40
"Happy to help, Coni......."

GG replies with a peg odd the endd of her dose!

