View Full Version : Nights out

11-07-17, 21:40
Hi everyone hope your all ok.

Basically last month I went out with a few girlfriends for one of their birthdays. I was having a really good night (was watching the dreamboys) but towards the end of it I had a huge panic attack and had to leave early and it knocked my anxiety super bad as I've never had a panic attack whilst out with friends etc

Anyway my anxiety has been super sucky for a few months to be fair. And on Saturday i have a hairdressing appointment for highlights etc so I'm going to be in there for about 3 hours. If I get through that without having a panic attack, I'm going out with my girlfriends again to a few bars in the evening, and I'm getting worked up that I'm going to be super anxious and I'm going to have a panic attack again.

I went out with my husband on Friday night to a local beer festival and even though I felt a little anxious I actually had a really good night and my anxiety was non existent. My husband is my safe haven I always feel the safest with him so knowing he's not going to be with me on Saturday night makes me worse

We both work and don't see eachother throughout the day but my anxiety tends to be ok when I'm at work it's more in the late afternoon evening,

I just want to know how I can start relying on myself if that makes sense, my husband is my rock and I just feel so safe with him, like he would do anything to keep me safe. So having a few drinks I feel more vunrsble anyway and knowing I can't just get home straight away as we are going about half an hour away.

I want to make myself go but I feel like I'm just going to back out and stay home.

11-07-17, 22:21
Can you just agree to text him every hour and check in? That way you might feel more secure. Also, if you are getting a cab or ride, keeping the card with the driver's cell helps me feel like I can leave at any time if I need to. A portable phone charger is a good safety net.

12-07-17, 20:28
Hi thanks for the reply.

I just want to have a night out without in the back of my mind just worrying about anything. My husband normally texts me whilst I'm out to make sure I'm feeling ok and if I get really bad he would always come and pick me up which makes me feel a bit better. I just want to be a normal person who can go out with girlfriends and actually have a good night