View Full Version : Swollen gland on left side of neck

12-07-17, 04:49
Left side of neck for few days has been hurting and I think it's swollen the other side doesn't hurt and I have have weird feeling collarbone same side. I can't sleep or move my head cause the gland hurts. I don't have a sore throat or anything but I am achy. I'm going to dr Friday but I'm terrified why my gland is swollen and hurting afraid is some cancer that has spread. Been having collarbone pain too and itchy breast worried it's breast cancer and I also been having night sweats im worried it's lymphoma.Anyone know what could cause swollen gland does this sound bad

12-07-17, 18:43
I have had swelling on my face, behind my ear and going down my neck all in the left side. A weird feeling in my collar bone as well on the same side. I to am worried. It's been well over a month since it popped up. I went to my primary and she said the were enlarged lymph nodes and refered to me ent and I have my appt 2marro.
I found a mass on my ribs on the left side since before Easter. A ct scan of my chest and abdomen w/o contrast showed no mass but I can feel it.. Still my Dr brushes me off because of the normal scan.

I am having a lot of liver symptoms and horrible dry mouth. I have recently read that swollen Paratiod gland is a symptom of liver disease so I'm even more freaked out. I was first worried about lymphoma and now I'm worried about either that or liver disease. I have no reason for this swollen nodes. I haven't been sick, have had no infections. I haven't even had a cold for over 2 years.

Mine cause no pain what so ever not even when touched and I can tell you from what I read that enlarged nodes that are caused by some kind of cancer including lymphoma are not normally painful. So if yours are hurting they may be caused by something else. I was also told enlarged lymph nodes are not cancer detectors but are an immune system defense to bacteria or virus and even some auto immune disorders. Apparently Drs don't really get concerned about it being lymphoma unless the node is 2 or 3 cms and even then it's hard to say and only a biopsy often times removal of the node is the only way to know for sure. Basically we don't have cancer unless a pathology report says we do. I know it's hard not to worry, I am beyond scared and have managed to convince I either have liver disease or some form of cancer. I don't know if you suffer from health anxiety but I have for many years in the past. I got it managed but now it's like everytime i am faced with a real medical problem I always fear the worst. Sometimes that has been the case but most of the times it's not.

I would say if they are painful give it a few days to see if they go down. If they don't make an appt with your Dr and have him/her check them.

---------- Post added at 13:43 ---------- Previous post was at 13:37 ----------

I also wanted to add, I like you get night sweats but night sweats that are caused by lymphoma are drenching night sweats. Ones that would cause you to have to change your clothes in the middle of the night so try not to worry much and I do believe there are something like 152 known cancers (I could be off on this number) but I know it's close and only 2 of them are lymphoma. Blood cancers are pretty rare so at least we have that going for us.