View Full Version : FED UP

13-05-07, 14:05
feeling pretty low today, like there is no end to this awful anxiety, one day just falls into another and still i sit here thinking about it all the time....nothing changes...nothing improves...just seem to be floating along in one giant panic bubble. I get angry at myself for letting it take over me and i get teary because there doesn't seem to be anything that i can do about it. I just want my life back yet the future is not looking good at all. I think ahead to parents evenings, school plays etc with absolute dread, will i be able to attend? if i can't i'll hate myself even more. I'm full of guilt because i have a fabulous son who deserve more than a mum that sits around the house all day scared of her own shaddow.

Does this ever improve? is there ever light at the end of that never ending tunnel?


13-05-07, 14:39
Im sorry you are feeling so low at the moment.
Have you spoken to your doctor. Things like CBT might beable to help alot. Do you see anyone?.
Of course things can get better, its hard to beleive till they dop but they can. It does take time, hard work and a good support network is always helpful.
Take care

13-05-07, 15:06
I have an appointment at the docs on wednedsay morning! i'm just really scared to go out at the moment. Yeah i have support but i'm just a wreck at the moment!

Thanks for the advice

13-05-07, 15:29
Well done for getting an appointment with the doc's. Is there anyone that can go with you? I always find that helps. I tend to be a wreck when i go to the docs and its only at the end of my road so i can understand how you feel. Once you have gone though you will feel better.
Good luck

13-05-07, 16:30

OK, 1st things 1st, you are a good mother, you are just ill at the moment, I know what a bad mother can be like and its nothing like you, ok? sorted? good.

Now this is going to be hard to take onboard, but you really need to try and think positively (I know anyone reading this will think I came up the clyde in a banana boat).

At the moment, you are suffering from what is a pretty common illness. However, I need to stress that it doesn't mean this is it for life, far from it.

I know a trip to the GP is a daunting task for you my girl, but its big steps like that, that will eventually lead to recovery.

This is truely an illness of how we think, even if our thinking is influenced by an outside source (bereavement, abusive relationship, health worries etc) and the key to recovery is (in my humble opinion) seeking treatment that will alter how we think about ourselves, our future and the way we perceive ourselves.

There is many different coping mechanisms from therapy, to meds and all thats inbetween (self help books, tapes, exercise, and even crystals I read, apparantly ;)). It just takes a little patience to find whats going to suit you best.

I will expect an update from you after your visit to the GP ;)

Hope you feel better soon Blondy


13-05-07, 16:54
Blackie, thanks for that! yeah my mum is going to take me there so i have someone i trust with me.

Jaco ya swine, you made me cry again....not for any bed reason but for talking such sense! your not meant to talk like that, your jaco, the joker in the pack!! but i really really really appreciate those words and have taken them on board! xxx

13-05-07, 17:31

your a fab mum...your kids should be so proud of ya (i certainly am) and your just going threw a bad time atm but things will get better xx :yesyes:

hopefully you will be posting in sucess stories after your visit to the gp xx

there is a lite at the end of the tunnel....

you just gotta focus on the positives...stay strong....and never give up faith xxxxx

always here for ya xxx


13-05-07, 17:39
Hi Lisa,

Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel....but sometimes we just don't see it 'cos we're too busy checking to see if our torch is working (I speak from personal experience of this!)

I'm sure your son is very appreciative of the mum he's got - you just got to believe it yourself ok?

Jaco's right - you're just feeling ill at the mo. Just because it's not the 'flu or a broken limb doesn't mean it's not there. (ehem, did you mean to say 'bed' reason in your reply??lol!) Sorry, but this is GG who notices the least little snippet that might raise a chuckle or a flushed cheek!:blush:

Good luck with the doc, one step at a time eh?


13-05-07, 18:45
lmao granny, no i most certainly didn't mean to say that! oh dear me, i'm never gonna here the end of this!!

thankyou very much and to you kel

13-05-07, 18:49
I am saying nothing ;)

13-05-07, 19:10
:shades: lmao xxxx

21-11-07, 06:43
anxiety / Panic :(

i know what this feels like i get this when i am really depressed i am on
Diazepan to help it but 2 mg is not going to help ... but my histay they
are been carfull what they give me :(

i have been reading thow the site looks like a good site i found it
looking for things on my pills

i am sat here well sat here on 2 knifes thinking should i use them
tonight i wanto well this morring but i always get this feeling why is
life so mean to us ? why can't we all love and :hugs: like happy friends
its just unfair if you want to know more about me read the
Wecome bit that you rite about yourself its call eyes open eyes closed.


21-11-07, 08:56
Hi,I am exactly like you. I have a 11 year old son and sometimes i feel utterley useless. I dread school functions and things like that. I have a parents evening in the 4th dec and i am dreading it. My son has started a new school and so far at school functions i have not had to talk to hardly anyone. On this parents evening all my sons teachers, there are about 12 of them, will be in a big hall and i have to talk to them all. For me that is terrifying. I could have easily done it about 6 years ago but things have changed now. I have no idea how i will cope and will just dose myself up with beta blockers and hope for the best!I know how you feel about letting your son down, i feel the same. He goes off to school all day and i just sit at home like a good for nothing! No job, no social life.I hope you do well at the drs, maybe he can give you something to help you. We have to believe we are not bad mothers. I know my son comes home to saftey and security and that cant be a bad thing can it?Love Josephine.x

21-11-07, 09:15
Bottleblond , I can understand how you are feeling because I am feeling the same as you . But remember we are good mums , we love our kids and do what we can for them. When I used to foster children, omg the mothers they had were terrible, neglecting their basic needs "food" "warmth" "love" .....
its that simple . Im sure this isnt you , infact you love your son so much your feeling guilty for being Ill.
I wept when I read your post because it made me realise how hard we are on ourselfs, how can we expect to get better thinking like this ?

Ok , so now I want you to tell us everything you have done for your son this week that makes you feel proud :winks: .

Ok , here goes my turn...............
woke my kids up today ontime for school,brushed my daughter hair, made pack lunches and made them porridge, walked them to school.

I am agrophobic , so I think I done pretty well , even tho I wanted to cry walking back from the school. This is what we need to do , look for the good in our days instead of the bad.

Lets keep each other strong :hugs: .

22-11-07, 17:57
There's always a light at the end of the tunnel
Low days happen to everyone, some more than others, at the moment im taking Passiflower (a herbal mix) that actually helps me keep cheery most days. Maybe you could try a herbal mix too?
I hope everything goes well for you, and i'm sure your kids are proud of you for fighting this everyday