View Full Version : How to deal with constant anxiety.

12-07-17, 09:33
Recently I feel like my anxiety has just been constant. Every morning it’s through the roof, I feel so sick, and struggle to eat. It reduces gradually throughout the day but is still high for me, and then the next morning it’s right back up. I’m getting so fed up about how every day is such a struggle to even leave the house and I just feel so exhausted. I get around 7-8 hours’ sleep a night but when I wake up in the morning I feel like I could happily sleep all day and am just completely exhausted all day. I’m just so sick of it and the thought of every morning for the foreseeable future (the rest of my life??) being like this is just overwhelming me and I don’t know how to get out of this quite negative cycle of thoughts I've got myself into.

12-07-17, 12:14
I feel the same, mornings are always when anxiety is at its worst. I find it is easier to accept this rather than fight it. Getting up and having breakfast even if you don't feel like it and trying to keep busy sometimes helps. I've been using the headspace app which I would recommend it has helped somewhat. I struggle some days to leave the house but I find staying indoors all day dwelling on the anxiety just makes me worse.

12-07-17, 17:51
I too have this problem. I am currently taking medication, but finding that the only thing that helps is a tranquilizer. Obviously, that's not a long term solution (for me at least), but it helps a bit. I'm so depressed, I cry all the time (from being so anxious). I wake up with heart palpitations and literally could sleep ALL day long if I could.

Michelle C
13-07-17, 01:05
I also feel this way in the mornings more so when I'm getting ready for work. I have xanax to calm me down. There's nothing my therapist is helping me with that's helping. Xanax helps me more than anything. Only down side is it makes me super sleepy and I already feel tired all the time Ugh

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13-07-17, 20:08
I'm also suffering with high anxiety in the mornings especially, it does sometimes fade as the day goes on. I try to keep active and not dwell on it but it's not easy as you all know. I go to the gym and it does help but some days I have to force myself up and out of bed, but even if I wanted to sleep in I can't cos my stomach is affected the worst and it just churns/nauseau and feels upset for hours, so then I can't eat till late in the day if I'm lucky it has worn off a bit by then. I don't sleep well and wake up several times through the night. I take Mirtazapine 15mg and Amitryptline 20mg, but they don't really help. I have tried coming of Mirtazapine but had bad withdrawal so for now I'm staying on 15mg. CBT didn't work for me so I listen and watch a lot of vides on you tube on meditation and self hypnosis, I find it does help me to be a bit calmer and relaxed. Oh for a wonder drug that works immediately with no side effects!!! LOL as if. I hope your all coping and like me know your not on your own and try to think positive (I can't).

13-07-17, 21:36
I would try medication or CBT, you could even do both. I have been on buspirone for a few weeks and I really do feel like it is helping me. My GP also gave me xanax for the times where I know a panic attack is a possibility. I usually take one before stressful situations.

I also do CBT. I've only had one session so obviously it hasnt helped yet, but I'm open minded with it so we shall see!

Good luck!

13-07-17, 23:36
Meds made me want to sleep more. I use the tools my therapist taught me, challenge my thoughts, have a plan for the day. The brain can only hold one thought at a time. I'm so busy taking care of my life that anxiety doesn't have a prayer in my head.

---------- Post added at 18:36 ---------- Previous post was at 18:34 ----------

I would try medication or CBT, you could even do both. I have been on buspirone for a few weeks and I really do feel like it is helping me. My GP also gave me xanax for the times where I know a panic attack is a possibility. I usually take one before stressful situations.

I also do CBT. I've only had one session so obviously it hasnt helped yet, but I'm open minded with it so we shall see!

Good luck!

Keep up your work with CBT. I didn't think it would work but it does. I used to practice it every minute if I had to. It is re training my brain after 30 years of negative thoughts. It can be done, I know, I have done it.

14-07-17, 02:42
Well I can totally relate to you, I skipped a meal today because I felt so crap and I've been on and off crying for what feels like forever. I think you should just retreat for a little while on a walk, or take a hot bath and just unwind. More importantly, you should probably speak to a professional about it. Hope tomorrow is better for you:hugs:

14-07-17, 03:47
If you wake in the morning and immediately feel sick with anxiety, ask yourself what is making you feel so afraid to get out of bed? You probably won't even be consciously aware of thinking of a fear when you wake but it Will be there because all anxiety is caused by fear and all fears create thoughts which cause anxiety symptoms.

To give you examples - it could be because you hate your job or it could be because you know you're going to feel anxious all day and the feelings scare you too much.

Once you identify what is you're afraid of, then you can work on how to overcome that fear and you won't feel so low and be in tears all day.

Far from easy I know but it can be done with help and practise.

One last thing, the reason we normally feel better in the evening is because the ordeal of the day is over...until that is the next morning. Just imagine if you could learn to wake feeling the way you feel in the evening. It's all down to how you're "thinking" at those different times of day.

If you really want proof it can be done and how, ask snowghost57. She's amazing.:flowers:

15-07-17, 13:39
Awe Bill thanks for the compliment! I became amazing with your support and others from this forum.

Fear is what anxiety is. Robert Handy has a great definition of anxiety-

Imagine your body as a barrel. It is empty, then we fill it up with our fears, what if I have an accident, what if the medical report is bad, what if, what if what if. The barrel overflows and we have a panic attack. This causes our brain to dump adrenaline into our blood stream and then we have physical symptoms such as racing heart, we can't breath. Its the body's natural defense for our "fight or flight" response to.....you guessed FEAR!

Once we identify these fears, challenge them with rational thinking, and question their value we can calm down and our "barrel" empties.

As in many of Bill's stories, when a ghost or a scary animal scares us, it is our fear that causes the anxious thoughts. Once that fear is gone we calm down.

I have great anxiety looking for a job and job interviews. So I stepped out of my comfort zone and forced myself to apply for as many jobs as I could in person, and not over the internet. Was I scared? Hell yeah, tears, gagging, shaking, heart pounding, (I think that about covers it) But I did it any way, I breathed, centered myself and each time I did it the better I got at dealing with my fear. I now have an awesome job, one I have been looking for 10 years.

We can get over anxiety. It takes work, practice, post here and talk to family, friends and find a good therapist.

I personally keep in touch with a few people here and it really helps having a buddy system. I feel that I have made some life long friends thanks to this board. Please feel free to PM me if you would like... no one can never have too many friends, even if I am on the other side of the "pond".