View Full Version : Surprise surprise MRI clear, no brain tumour

12-07-17, 13:08
Just thought I'd post to say that my MRI of brain came back ok. So another example of how anxiety can group all the symptoms I was having, make them worse, and end up with me thinking they were all related and therefore something deadly. For anyone else having same sort of fears I thought I'd outline my symptoms to highlight how no matter how bad they sound all listed together, can still result in nothing major wrong.
Off balance
Severe headaches across forehead and base of head
Middle of night insomnia
Stabbing eye pain
Issues with vision/focusing
All getting worse over a 4 week period

So turns out all 4 areas of my sinuses are fairly blocked up which they said would account for most of my issues. I also saw physio today and a knot in my neck/shoulder area when pushed on re-creates the pain I'm getting in my forehead, which accounts for that. The rest of course was amplified by anxiety!

12-07-17, 14:30
Thank you for posting results. Many people only emphasize bad news... It's a problem sometimes for us HA sufferers, who tend to see our health in a glass-half-empty sort of way. Hopefully your anxiety will go lessen!

12-07-17, 20:15
Just to re iterate the previous post. So many of us are so relieved when given an all clear we just come off the site and don't let people know. It is so important to let everyone know just what panic can do. thankyou.

13-07-17, 14:42
I'm having a lot of the same symptoms.

Off balance - especially after a car ride
Middle of the night insomnia (which....I'm not sure the link to a brain tumor?? But I don't dare google!)
Frequent urination
Dizzy "spells"
Vision issues

...Only....I'm not having sinus issues.

My last brain MRI was in June 2014. I don't want another one unless I absolutely need it. Well, ok...I do want one, just to put my mind at ease, but I know that is not the answer. Here's to hoping for a clear brain...just like yours!!!

13-07-17, 14:48
amplified by anxiety!

Words HAers should read daily as a reminder.

Happy to hear your MRI results!

14-07-17, 13:54
Just in response to your post Eventhesparrows, I didn't really know I specifically had sinus issues either, it was the scan that showed they were blocked. I haven't had stuffy nose or anything. But all the symptoms you listed could also be caused by anxiety, as out of all those ones I listed, except maybe the eye pain, seemed in the end to come from the anxiety. As my ears and sinuses seem more blocked now to me, but the dizziness and off balance feeling has actually stopped since getting my results!

14-07-17, 18:30
I had a brain MRI 3 years ago for tension type headaches and phantom smells. After it came back all clear, my headaches disappeared....can't say the phantom smells disappeared, but I can live with that ;-)

I will say this, however: Once I saw the clear/normal results...the peace from it only lasted 3-4 months. Then once I experienced another new symptom, I was right back where I started, again thinking that I had a brain tumor (for real *eye roll*)

Right now, my ENT ordered an MRI for "reassurance". I refuse to go, because all it will get me is $1500 out of pocket for a "normal" (HOPEFULLY!) result that will bring me reassurance for only a few months. If it's something that truly requires an MRI, it will show itself in due time and I'll HAVE to have it done...not for reassurance, but because a doctor deems it necessary. In the meantime, I'm in limbo. Waiting for the worst to happen, or the peace to come.

Here's to waiting.

14-07-17, 20:09
Thank you for updating everyone. So many times, we never hear the results. It affirms what I've said many times on the boards. A benign issue causing undue worry, increasing stress and making things a lot worse than they actually are. I hope it also helps others by making them realize that their anxiety is making mountains out of mole hills nearly 100% of the time.

Positive thoughts