View Full Version : Well been in the hospital overnight, hives/rash/lips/cheeks....and High wbc

12-07-17, 13:24


These are my posts from before for some people who know. On sunday I started noticing itching and then hives. I haven't known to have any allergies and did nothing different. My rash/hives got worse the next day and I went to the hospital. Medicine made it better, until yesterday morning. My lips and cheeks got pretty swollen, so along with icthing I went back and Ive been here tonight. I guess my wbc was between 16-17 which obviously is worrying me the **** out....sorry to be blundt. All of my blood counts for so long have apparently been normal.
Although recently my APL was slightly high a few weeks ago. So now you know what I'm thinking. I had a few lymph nodes in my abdomin and one up to 5mm recently. Also the micro nodule on my chest. I really want to see a hematologist like also on as possible. I don't know of any allergies and am s0 worried out that hasn't caused this.

12-07-17, 14:26
I am sorry you had to go to the hospital. It sounds like they are in fact treating a severe allergic reaction, can you elaborate? It certainly sounds allergy related. I have an allergic reaction to something in marmalade. Never ever did, then one day bang my mouth swelled etc. It can develop suddenly. If you have an infection they will find the source and treat you with antibiotics.

12-07-17, 15:35
Well to elaborate, I never have had allergies that I know of. When I was a kid I think I had one test where they thought I might have had something, but I think that never actually turned out.

My throat/tounge didn't really close up at all. Is it possible for reactions to not have that, and also last days?
I don't think infection or that would have showed up by now. Still have a little itching, my cheeks are pretty much normal, and top lip almost is.

Also an update to my wbc count. I guess it has gone down to 12 from last night. Still slightly above normal, but better than like 17. Still super worried.

12-07-17, 15:46
Yes and yes to your allergy questions. My son gets rashes that last for a week, change, worsen etc. People don't just go into anaphylactic shock. There are all kinds of symptoms... You are aware that medication is sold over the counter for a range of allergy symptoms? You are sounding awfully doomsday on this. And yes, I believe they would have found an infection by now. Sounds like an allergic reaction. What treatment are they giving you?

12-07-17, 17:46
Yes and yes to your allergy questions. My son gets rashes that last for a week, change, worsen etc. People don't just go into anaphylactic shock. There are all kinds of symptoms... You are aware that medication is sold over the counter for a range of allergy symptoms? You are sounding awfully doomsday on this. And yes, I believe they would have found an infection by now. Sounds like an allergic reaction. What treatment are they giving you?

Im going to take sohnnedrol, benadryl, and pepcid. It's just scary, but Im just going to see my doctor and stay monitored and take medicine.

12-07-17, 20:38
Hey sweetie! Those are definitely allergy symptoms! You should start thinking about seeing an allergist to narrow this down. I never had allergies until I turned 28 and all of a sudden? I'm allergic to the entirety of outdoor and coconut will kill me

---------- Post added at 15:38 ---------- Previous post was at 15:37 ----------

Also allergies will make your white count high especially a bad reaction like you had

12-07-17, 21:34

Same thing happened to me a few years ago. Out of the blue, I came out in an awful rash. It looked like I had been scolded rather than a spotty rash. The doctors weren't sure at all what it was or what was causing it but they gave me some medication to calm it down.

That didn't work at all and then my eye, Lip would begin to swell. Back to the doctors again and they gave me a different medication to try. Again, it didn't work. By this time I was freaking out in case my throat, tongue would swell.
I have threads on here but from years ago so would take me hours to find them. Lol...

Anyway, Long story short. Went back to the doctor and this time, I saw a different GP. He was completely baffled and have me something else again. Later that afternoon, I got a call from him saying he had contacted a skin specialist at the Royal in Edinburgh and explained all my symptoms.

It turned out I had Chronic Urticaria!. Between them, they came up with a concoction of medications that worked wonders. I do still get flare ups now but I know the signs. (roasting hot ears).

They didn't put it down to an allergy as such. More like "Just one of those things". I know it's scary but you'll be absolutely fine. Like I said, the worst thing I get now is really hot ears but the rash has not came back. I was on the meds for about 3 years because I was too scared to stop them.

Hope you get the answers too

Please let us know how you get on.
