View Full Version : throbbing eyes

13-05-07, 16:45
hi went to bed last night woke up 2 hrs later to find someone had planted a drum kit in my head it felt like every heartbeat and pulse i had was in my head and eyes my eyes felt like they were popping out with each beat of my pulse lasted for about 10 mins and really freaked me out im on blood pressure tablets and had it checked a month ago and was told it was normal anyone else had this or knows what it can be ok thanks

14-05-07, 23:55

Just to let you know I dont know what this is but I suffer aswell.

Sorry I couldnt be much help, I just posted to let you know you are not alone!!

I, too, get a pulse in my head and my eyeballs pulse too. Its very weird.

I wrote a post about my pulsating eyeballs a couple of weeks ago and no one answered my message either.:weep:

Take care - Liz xx

15-05-07, 11:21
hi liz thanks for the reply at least thers 2 of us with this complaint lol went to have me eyes tested today they say it could be eye strain and have ordered new reading glasses wont be ready till next week tho so il give em a go and see if that helps ok thanks