View Full Version : A question on Muscular Atrophy

12-07-17, 15:54
Sorry for the continued posting, everybody. I woke up today and honestly felt much better until a further realisation hit me.

I remember making the observation a very long time ago that my left index finger curved in slightly more between the nuckle and joint in the finger so that it was slightly thinner. The difference isn't great, but noticeable. Now, when the twitching began, it was in my left index finger (the one I observed was slightly thinner) and self examination revealed it is indeed slightly stiffer than my right one (which has fuelled my current worries).
Is this worrying at all/ is it reason to abandon my prior stance and make a GP appointment? It hadn't crossed my mind until just now, and all of a sudden I feel a lot worse than I was feeling this morning. I appreciate a neuromuscular condition at my age is unlikely, and I was honestly beginning to feel better, but I don't know what to do.

If I observed this slight difference a long time ago, to the tune of a year or so, is it still worrying? Clearly I am terrified that it is at the same point that I was twitching. The twitching has actually stopped now for a few days, but the fear hasn't subsided.

EDIT: I asked my Mum if she could compare my fingers and see if one was thinner, and she actually said my right index finger looked slightly thinner, so I am not sure how substantial the difference is. Part of me worries she is lying because she just wants me to stop worrying.

12-07-17, 15:57
Your anxiety is looking for ways to validate your irrationality....

Don't go down the ALS path... just don't! There's nothing at all that indicates that! Please read this... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071)

Getting professional help for your anxiety is not a crime and I'm sure if you asked your GP for a referral you would get it no problem!

Positive thoughts