View Full Version : Obsessed over HA

12-07-17, 16:50
So after have anxiety and PA for 4 weeks solid now I've been to.the doctors and had my moles checked out.. everything seems fine she said. While in the doctors surgery I broke down in a panic again.. I'm constantly in denial. I'm.obbsessed with telling myself something is wrong. I'm on 30mg citalapram which I have been on over 7 years now and has worked wonders, apart from the last 4 weeks. I've been advised to take 2mg of diazepam to calm the PA and I'm now joining therapy in 3 weeks. I want rid of the worry for good I've had enough of constantly battling with myself 😢

12-07-17, 17:04
Pat yourself on the back for being pro-active and addressing what you know to be the issue. More power to you!

Positive thoughts

12-07-17, 18:39
Thank you Im forcing myself to be proactive as I can't be alone in the house... I have to be busy and keep people around me or even a phone call away from me... to help me take my mind off all the negative thoughts that are playing me daily. It's definitely a constant battle with myself.

12-07-17, 19:52
I could of wrote this myself. This sounds just like me. If you need to talk you can message me, I know how hard it is battling with yourself daily. X