View Full Version : Pagets Disease?

12-07-17, 17:23
Okay so for the last couple of weeks I have been freaking out over my breasts. The pain has ceased and there is no discharge, but I noticed on my left breast when its erect fully that there is a bit of redness around the tip and what looks like little circular blisters forming from the skin that are a darker red.

I can't go back to my doctors for another week or so because her appointments are full. When the nipple is resting it looks pink and normal..Could this be pagets disease? Or is it just a case of dermatitis, I am trying really hard not to obsess over it until I can go back to my doctor :wacko:

Can anybody help me with this one?

12-07-17, 23:25
I know Paget's is really rare in 20 year old women but I'm still a bit frightened honestly and I can't see my doctor for another week at least :huh:

13-07-17, 02:48
Update the "all clear" result when you get it :)

Positive thoughts

14-07-17, 02:40
UPDATE: She took one look at me and said everything looked normal. She wasn't concerned and prescribed me some Lamisil for the dryness and sensitivity. Does that stuff actually work? I read the bottle and it said it was for Athletes Foot :ohmy:

14-07-17, 02:49
I'm guessing if she prescribed it, it probably does work :) glad you got the all clear!

14-07-17, 04:31
She literally wrote on the prescription "Not very concerning" and said that my condition was normal when compared to a lot of cases she's seen. Now I feel like an idiot for going :blush: