View Full Version : Trust the GP or my mind?

12-07-17, 17:27
I ache all over, I keep putting my finger up my nostrils to see if the bleeding. I have a few reddish purple spots on my belly, I find it very hard to wake up in the morning. My thoughts about a blood disorder or controlling my life. I've had an endoscopic camera which was all normal, a CT scan of my abdomen and pelvis and my last blood test was in December.
All test came back normal.
I've seen three doctors in the last few weeks and they all tell me it is anxiety. I really want a repeat blood test but they won't do it.
How do I switch off and relax from this?

12-07-17, 18:57
I know it's difficult but you have to try to trust your doctors. I still struggle with doing that my self sometimes so I know how tough it can be.

While you work on that, have you considered doing something about your anxiety. Maybe meds or CBT? I'm doing both and they really do seem to be helping :)