View Full Version : me again! :(

12-07-17, 17:44
Hi Guys,

I feel like my life is falling apart! I just cant seem to see all of this being anxiety! my issues as follows:

feeling weak
feeling sick
stomach pains
temp (maybe as I'm using a strip one and its coming up as a low fever)
slight headache
heavy feeling in the top of both arms (like I have lifted something heavy)

This started on Saturday with a stomach ache and things come on over the following days, before this started I didn't really have any anxiety (some money issue) I just cant seem to tell myself its nothing serious :( if there is anyone who has had the same thing could you send over some encouragement? to help me believe that it is all in my head?

Thanks :)

12-07-17, 19:28
I have been there and am actually there at the moment. I know and you know that we can do this to ourselves so why can't we believe it? I am feeling constantly nauseas at the moment and have pain in my left rib. I have had all of the above at times. Can I convince myself it's not something awful. No. But reason tells me it is anxiety. And so is yours. I wish I could take this all consuming fear away but I can't. Just keep reminding yourself that anxiety loves to have you feeling fearful. At the moment it is winning. x

12-07-17, 19:57
Thank you suzie, It really is awful isn't it? I just wish I could shut it off sometimes, I just keep thinking well I have never had this before and it could be something ect ect xxx

12-07-17, 20:08
That is just what anxiety wants you to think. When my husband points out that I've been through whatever it is before I always seems to say - 'Yes , but this time it's different'. It's neverending. I know. Why do we let it win all the time. What I hate is the fact that one day something really will be wrong and I will look back and regret all those wasted years when I was healthy but crippled by HA. I am 56 and still suffering. Please don't let this win

14-07-17, 11:41
Thank you for replying :) I've been having I on and off still and allot of nausea, I am thinking anxiety as I would have thought a tummy bug would have passed by now?
I just keep telling myself over and over that its in my head! I could probably believe it if it wasn't for the tummy pains :(
now thinking pancreatic cancer! argggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ggggggg

Thanks again xx

14-07-17, 12:13
Gastroenteritis (tummy bug) is sooo common, can be mild or severe, and last a week! I had 2 bouts this year confirmed by my GP. One lasted 8 days. If not a bug, anxiety and fretting will make all of this worse, as you know. If it's a virus there is literally nothing you can do except push fluids and wait to feel better.