View Full Version : Has anyone ever gone through this?

12-07-17, 19:47
My heart is racing most of the time and I've had both EKG and Echo yesterday, I:ve had many of those tests before too, yesterday I got moniyored for 24hours, the max was 152, the minimum was 37 and the average was 76bpm. 0 pauses. Tomorrow I am having the stress test, the cardiologist says that I don't have anything wrong with the heart and the tachycardia is due to nervous system. I feel.my heary beating fast and the left sided pains. I am scared of having an heart attack every moment. I am on 50mg srtraline for a week now

12-07-17, 20:25
Dude, seriously ... you've had an ECG ... AND an echo. So basically the electrical system of your heart is sound and the structure is sound. What more do you want? I don't think anything will reassure you, what do you want them to do?
I'm sorry but sometimes tough love is the best approach. You've had far more than most people would have, you have the all clear on the heart front. Relax and enjoy life while you can, not everyone is as fortunate as you are to have a clean bill of heart health.
You are putting yourself through all of th se tests and causing more anxiety thinking there is something there.

bin tenn
13-07-17, 01:06
I'm on a beta blocker (25mg Atenolol). Have been for two years. I still occasionally get tachycardia, "skipped beat" palpitations, and other things. I've had an echo, a few EKG's, and a stress test - all clear. I will agree with jayware. Slim to none chance there's a problem of any kind. Instead of focusing on my symptoms, I've learned to accept them as they are. I let them be, and all is well. I believe the same goes for you.