View Full Version : Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (EDS) Type 4 vascular

12-07-17, 20:51

My 7 year old son is pale skinned and thin.

He is very bony over his chest and I can see lots of veins all over his chest and tummy.

Of course, I Googled :blush: and EDS vascular popped up.

Does anyone have any experience with this?


12-07-17, 22:52
We have hypermobile EDS. Including my very thin pale skinned daughter who we can see every vein in. The only way to know is to see a dr. But likely your kid is just pale and skinny. LOL lots of children who are very pale you can see their veins

14-10-22, 16:22
Hi @wilburis. I was wondering if you have any update on this situation. I also have a son with visible veins and have been out of my mind with worry. Would appreciate an update if you are still on this forum thanks so much

15-10-22, 20:36
I have EDS type 3 which is the hypermobility kind. I am casper white, was thin when i was a child a bit curvy now and you can see most of my veins. Eds type 4 Vascular is very rare. Your best bet would speak to your Gp about your concerns however if there is no family history of major prolapses, ruptures or heart issues before the age of 40 in your family the likelihood of it being VEDS is pretty much zero