View Full Version : Challenge your anxiety you might just win

13-07-17, 03:35
So a few days ago I went for a walk with my dog, I walked nearly a mile and my left shoulder blade started hurting a little, then it moved to the right shoulder blade, and instead of imagining all the possibilities I immediately thought about my heart, and anxiety set in, after that I sat down and cooled off and the discomfort went away.

The path I walk is probably 70% up hill and it was really hot out, did get any other pains or unusual shortness of breath, never felt dizzy.

Well today I got tired of worrying about it so I stepped up to face it, so I got my dog and I began walking the same path for the same distance and guess what, no pain! So I'm guessing it wasn't even related to the walking it just came on at a bad time for a HA sufferer.

So what I did was face my anxiety head on and challenged it to show myself that I have nothing to fear, I mean I've had loads of heart tests so that should've been enough to ease my mind, but clearly it didn't so I had to take that extra mile and take it into my own hands to end the fear.

What I'm trying to say, is dont sit around and worry yourself sick, get up and face your problem head on and conquer it, don't wait around and expect an answer or solution to fall in your lap, I waited many years those things never come, so you have to take control sometimes in order to find peace.

Now I still have a lot of anxiety, but knowing I had the courage to step up and face an issue shows myself that I am on the right path to recovery.