View Full Version : Low fever at night for 5 days!!

13-07-17, 06:03
Hi, guys, I'm so concerned about this... Since last sunday I'm running a low fever between 37-37.4 that don't go away. It's only at night, it starts at 8PM (approximately) and lasts til 4/5 AM in the morning.
It's pretty weird and I'm going crazy because I know that sometimes people with Lymphoma or Leukemia have this kind of "night fevers". I don't have any other symptom to describe, but the fever persists and I don't know what to do... Like I said, during the day my temp it's totally normal, but as the sun goes down my temp starts to go up again. Any suggestion? Any reassurance? Please.

13-07-17, 12:06
Considering that those aren't fevers and are in the range of average body temperatures should but your mind at ease. Body temps naturally rise towards the end of the day. Stop taking your temp, you're not sick.

13-07-17, 17:10
Hi, guys, I'm so concerned about this... Since last sunday I'm running a low fever between 37-37.4 that don't go away. It's only at night, it starts at 8PM (approximately) and lasts til 4/5 AM in the morning.
It's pretty weird and I'm going crazy because I know that sometimes people with Lymphoma or Leukemia have this kind of "night fevers". I don't have any other symptom to describe, but the fever persists and I don't know what to do... Like I said, during the day my temp it's totally normal, but as the sun goes down my temp starts to go up again. Any suggestion? Any reassurance? Please.

That's not a fever. I run up to 38 depending on the time of my cycle and it isn't anything. Here you don't have a fever even a low grade one unless it's OVER 38 (100.4 F)

13-07-17, 18:08
You're right, it's not that "high", but I know that after 11/12PM my temp it's 36.5/36.6 and the last five days I'm having that mild fevers. In the early morning the body temp should go down, and mine stays the same, I feel hot and I know it's a low fever because I never go beyond 36.9, guys...

13-07-17, 18:12
You worrying about tiny percentage points in something within normal limits, which you wouldn't even know if you weren't obsessively checking.

Are you getting any professional help about your anxiety?

13-07-17, 18:15
You're right, it's not that "high"

What you describe is not technically a fever. I suggest you bin the thermometer. Unless you're actually ill, there's no reason to be checking.

Positive thoughts

13-07-17, 18:21
You worrying about tiny percentage points in something within normal limits, which you wouldn't even know if you weren't obsessively checking.

Are you getting any professional help about your anxiety?

Not right now, but I visited a psychologist for a year in 2016, now I'm trying to do this the best I can, but sometimes turns so hard! I cannot shake the thought that sometime, maybe now, i will have lymphoma, leukemia or some kind of terrible cancer. It's so embarrassing.

---------- Post added at 17:21 ---------- Previous post was at 17:16 ----------

What you describe is not technically a fever. I suggest you bin the thermometer. Unless you're actually ill, there's no reason to be checking.

Positive thoughts

The thermometer it's my best friend at night, I'm ridiculous.

13-07-17, 18:22
The thermometer it's my best friend at night, I'm ridiculous.

Remember... those are your words ;)

Positive thoughts

13-07-17, 18:24
Logic is poking through, and acknowledgment this isn't normal behaviour. Hold on to that.

13-07-17, 18:36
Then, should I stop taking my temp although I know that low fevers that longs all night suggests some scary diseases? Sounds hard to me :huh:

13-07-17, 21:40
Then, should I stop taking my temp although I know that low fevers that longs all night suggests some scary diseases? Sounds hard to me :huh:

Nearly everyone in the world has never taken their own temperature for any reason. If you weren't in this spiral you would be blissfully unaware of minor wobbles in your temperature.

If you read any CBT literature you will know how unhealthy for recovery self-checking is. If you're worried see a doctor, but put the thermometer down. I would wager a doctor would be more interested in why you're taking your temperature many times a day than the minor fluctuations you believe you're "diagnosing".

13-07-17, 21:42
Then, should I stop taking my temp although I know that low fevers that longs all night suggests some scary diseases? Sounds hard to me :huh:

Stop checking your temperature at all right now unless you actually get sick. You aren't running fevers. Your body goes through changes that raises temps all the time. My kid will sometimes measure 36.5 and other weeks she'll measure 37.3

Even eating can raise your temperature .3 degrees

15-07-17, 06:21
I've tried not to take my temp hour after hour, but last night my temp was totally normal, I mean: high in the afternoon and then low in the night after 11/12PM (under 36.5, wich its my normal temp in that time of the day). Today my temp it's high again, reaching 37.2 at night... I'm doing nothing and my temp it's still a little high, there must be something behind this.

15-07-17, 06:58
Throw your thermometer away.
Never buy another.

I don't own a thermometer, even with two young children.
You can have no temperature and be really ill.
You can have a raging temperature with something extremely mild.
Temperature is meaningless, unless you look at the whole picture and are a health care professional.

Seriously get rid of the thing. Never take your temperature again.

First step to recovery/learning to live with HA. Which you definitely do have.

15-07-17, 12:26
I've tried not to take my temp hour after hour, but last night my temp was totally normal, I mean: high in the afternoon and then low in the night after 11/12PM (under 36.5, wich its my normal temp in that time of the day). Today my temp it's high again, reaching 37.2 at night... I'm doing nothing and my temp it's still a little high, there must be something behind this.

That's completely normal. 37.2 isn't even near a temperature. It could be anything about your body's rhythm that is making it higher.

If you were running temperatures at night that were anything to be remotely concerned about they'd be over 38

15-07-17, 15:36
Then, should I stop taking my temp although I know that low fevers that longs all night suggests some scary diseases? Sounds hard to me :huh:

You posted asking for help and suggestions. You have several members all telling you the same thing!

Yes, throw away the thermometer and stop taking your temperature. You don't even have a low fever so please stop using those words as an excuse to feed your anxiety.
Yes, it is hard but it's worth the effort to kick the dragon in the arse sometimes!

If you can't bring yourself to follow the advice then I don't know what anyone could say...

Positive thoughts

16-07-17, 03:31
Sorry, I appreciate so much your advice, it's just that my anxiety makes it so hard. I'm trying to do my best, every day, some days are better others not too much, but I know that my anxiety follows this cycle.
Thank you so much, I'll try to keep my hands away of the thermometer and I'll administrate my anxiety in other way.