View Full Version : ALS fears

13-07-17, 08:39
Hi there,

I am a 41 year old & hypochondriac for quite some time.
I always fear the worst whenever I have a symptom and not only for myself but also for my wife & children.

But this is about me. About six weeks ago, I had this feeling of lightheadeness. I ran to the doctor, had some basic checks but he couldn't find anything wrong.
However, symptoms persisted & got worse so he wrote Tavonin which is for better blood stream and it should help against dizzyness. After three days, I noticed a strange sensation in my mouth. I felt like I constantly wanted to make saliva with my tongue. You know, when you really suck you tongue inner your mouth to produce saliva. I thought this was because of a dry mouth that I was getting and started to freak out since I guessed this should be some kind of neurologic issue.
Went to the doctor again, he investigated me again and did some blook work. This came back ok but in the meantime my tongue wouldn't stop.
Researching the internet made me learn that this is a bulbar ALS symptom (strange tongue feelings).
I insisted for a CT just to rule out a tumor and I had this on 30rd of June. This came back the same day with everything ok just pointing out that I had big polyps in my sinusses.
The dizzyness went away but the tongue feeling stayed. Meanwhile I noticed that a lot a mucus was sticking in the back of my throat (between nose & throat actually). The strange tongue feeling comes and go. Yesterday it was really bad, it even felt swollen. I thought I started slurring speech with some words but later this feeling subsided and I could talk normally.
However, the pleghm/mucus in my throat stays and it feels like it is sticking there. Eating/drinking is no problem currently. This seems to go in.
Maybe good to notice is that I have this globus feeling for over two months now. I have some pain in the back of my breast bone (on & off). I had a gastroscopy which turned out I'm having gall reflux (I have a hiatal hernia for seven years already). However, now I am thinking this could be due to muscles not working properly. Also not being able to clear the mucus makes me worry a lot.
I have a friend who died of ALS three years ago so I know what kind of disease it is and how cruel it can be. I am constantly thinking now about what will happen with my wife & two beautifull daughters if something is up with me.

I know that some things can be caused by anxiety but it seems the issues I keep having with my tongue & the mucus that keeps sitting in my throat really worries me.

thanks for your replies

13-07-17, 12:20
Please read this... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071)

Positive thoughts

13-07-17, 17:38
Once ALS starts it will not improve or go away, what you have described doesn't sound like ALS if your slurred speech goes away. The doctor already diagnosed you with a gall reflux problem which is very common in people in their 40's (my dad has the same issue.) Please relax, and don't focus on what Dr.Google says. It will only give you the worst results. Lightheadedness, having difficulty swallowing, chest pain, and twitching are all symptoms of anxiety :)

14-07-17, 16:24
I had a neuro appt today.
After I told my story, he said he could assure me it is not ALS.
He told me more people visit him who think they have ALS than people actually having it. The people actually having it mostly don't know it, he said.
Anyway, he did a full neurologic exam and assured me nothing is wrong. My tongue looks a bit strange (yellowish) probably because of my dry mouth and anxiety from the last month. He wrote some Vitamin B pills to make this better and I also have to take Sertraline (Zoloft) to make the anxiety better.
I feel quite assured now and feel that I can continue with my life.
Thank for your replies.

14-07-17, 16:31
Good going for being pro-active and taking the steps to start tackling your anxiety! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts