View Full Version : Post vacation panic!

13-07-17, 09:50
I don't understand my anxiety sometimes! I've had panic disorder and agoraphobia for 6 years now and it seems like there is no rhyme or reason to what triggers my anxiety. I recently took a small trip for the first time in a couple years which obviously increased my anxiety but I actually managed my panic pretty well and was able to enjoy my vacation overall. Now I'm back home and experiencing more anxiety and panic symptoms than I have all week. It's almost 2am and I just woke up sweating, heart racing and feeling very unreal. Anyone get anxiety AFTER doing something that would be considered difficult for you??

21-07-17, 10:43
Just thought I would update .. the bad anxiety lasted a few days but I started feeling better. I think it was a lack of sleep that finally caught up with me. I didn't sleep well the night before I left for my trip (because of the travel anticipation) and also while I was away I didn't sleep well either. So several days of barely any sleep mixed with feeling a little overwhelmed being back home must have triggered a bad anxiety reaction.