View Full Version : Accidentally think I've taken a couple too many paracetamol, should I worry?

13-07-17, 10:09
I had a tiny bit of a headache before went to bed last night so took one paracetamol. I woke up maybe 3 hours later and it was really hurting so thought it would be ok to take 2 as not quite the right amount of time to wait but had only taken one before. I then took two when got up in morning as was still hurting.

I kept waking up in night as was hurting really badly, and now looking at the packet I think I probs took another two within a couple of hours of the first two, so to cut to the chase I think I took 5 or 6 within about 6 or 7 hours!!

I realise this is not the recommended dose so am now freaking out that I am going to get liver failure? Could I from this number?? I was not trying to overdose just not thinking clearly and trying to stop headache.

I've been sick couple of times but pretty sure this is cos I still have the headache and maybe some panic.

Do I need to worry???

13-07-17, 10:19
You'll almost certainly be fine as you gave your body a chance to process them between each batch. It would be a lot worse if you took say 4 in one go.

Saying that, I would still call NHS Direct and let them give you some more information. This is absolutely a question for medical professionals.

I'm sure you'll be fine though, over the counter medication usually has large safety nets built in.

13-07-17, 10:29
Id prefer not to have to call 111 unless it really could be something. I have heard loads of cases where they send ambulances for all sorts and I can just see them doing it if I mention anything to do with potentially too many paracetamol and I'm at a high profile work event/

13-07-17, 10:52
You're fine. The dose stated is much lower than you can actually process.

13-07-17, 11:56
Thanks so much for the reassurance, can't believe I was so silly to have taken more than I should though x

13-07-17, 12:54
I've done it too. Luckily I had medical insurance that allowed a direct call to a doctor at the time and this is how I know your body can handle much more before you're in danger.

13-07-17, 14:11
That's actually pretty dangerous information to be giving out there unless you are a medical professional and know the ops medical history?

Op you do have to be very careful with paracetamol (as I'm sure you know) I will guess that since you have no exceeded the 'no more than 8 tablets in 24 hours' stated on the pack you will be completely fine

HOWEVER I would still seek proper medical advice from some source. 111 will not ring you an ambulance, they will probably put you through to the poisons line. But really would double check.

13-07-17, 15:21
See 111 have called ambulances in past for all sorts for friends since they can't verify over a phone you are really ok and they wouldn't even know I wasn't saying 6 and suicidal meaning 60. Could I really be at risk, I am freaking out? I thought you would all tell me I was just silly...,

13-07-17, 15:50
Sheesh.... It's just Tylenol. It's normally 4 hours between but it's not like you took them all at once and you didn't exceed the max 24hr dosage so you'll be fine.

Positive thoughts

13-07-17, 16:13

What if I take too much?
Taking one or two extra tablets by accident is unlikely to be harmful. If this happens, wait at least 24 hours before you take any more paracetamol.
Taking more than this can be dangerous and may need treatment.

Max 8 per day but should be spaced 4-6 hours. You've had some spacing though and you haven't exceeded the 24 hour max.

You were only an hour out between the first two batches anyway.

If you really want to ask a professional and not run the risk of a wasted ambulance, just pop into a pharmacy and ask them.

13-07-17, 17:23
Thanks guys. Telling myself I will be fine just wish I hadn't read the bit about damage taking days to emerge.

The pharmacist said that as long as I didn't take more than 8 and left something of a gap so more than an hour it's not concerning. Trouble is I really don't know what the gap really was between each 2, in pretty sure it would be more than an hour at least! The other pharmacist I spoke to was more interested to know how much less than 4hrs between but didn't seem too bothered and never said head to a hospital or anything... (yes I called two)You

13-07-17, 18:07
I'm sure there's very few of us that haven't at some time forgotten we've already taken over the counter painkillers and had one or two more than recommended. Sure you'll be fine.

13-07-17, 19:55
Thnks yes, that's very true. I'm sure I will have taken some before not quite 4 hours between. If pain is really bad I have probs also taken an extra tablet here and there which I now appreciate is a v bad idea

14-07-17, 01:23
It looks like you had a couple or more hours hours between the 2nd & 3rd batch with being asleep and 3 hours between the first half dose and the 2nd batch full dose.

At the end of the day, if a trained pharmacist who is more skilled in how drugs work isn't worried, I wouldn't be.

I've taken 2 batches within less than 4 hours on several occasions. No biggie other than the anxiety monster rearing it's head.