View Full Version : Low Ferritin (Iron) - Unknown Cause

13-07-17, 13:07
I just turned 29, but this issue has been brought to light a year or two ago.

I go to a doctor for Testosterone Replacement Therapy, so they do bloodwork every few months. They do not only check for Testosterone levels, but whatever they feel may be necessary and whatever I ask.

This issue came to light early last year, actually. I remember getting bloodwork done and some of my liver enzymes came back quite elevated. Awesome, I know. So they referred me to a Gastoenterologist (who was amazing). He did some bloodwork on his own and by then my enzymes dropped in levels a bit, but my Ferritin levels were abysmally low.

Generally low Ferritin is found in women who are menstruating (blood loss = low iron, so it makes sense). I am a male (always have been, the TRT is for Hypogonadism, not due to a sex change or anything like that). Other than that, reasons may be some sort of disease or bleeding.

The GI ran his tests to look for internal bleeding: Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Stool Test, bloodwork and such. All came back clear, so he was stumped. He wanted to do a Capsule Endoscopy, but I never got a chance to get it done because his office is quite far, and for that I'd have to go twice in one day (once to affix a monitor and take the capsule, then to go back later that day to have it removed). More bloodwork was ran later and it went up slightly, so nothing was ever done, even though it was low.

Late June 2017 I had more routine bloodwork done and I told the PA that they were my General Physicians basically, so I asked to do routine bloodwork. She agreed and ran a whole slew of bloodwork on top of the general Testosterone labwork. My Ferritin came back incredibly low once again - the lowest she had ever seen in anyone. She suggested seeing a Hemotologist and taking an iron supplement in the mean time.

So now I have an appointment with the Hemotologist tomorrow and am freaking out a little bit. I have been quite good with health anxiety overall lately, but when you call the line and you hear it's a cancer center... it shakes you to your core a little bit. I don't think I have cancer, and even the PA herself said that if it was truly problematic that I would have shown more issues by now since it has been over a year.

To top it all off, the Iron supplement SUCKS. The first night I took a full tablet and I was on the bathroom floor with intense nausea. It caused acid reflux on top of it, or exacerbated the rare acid reflux I had by making it more intense and frequent. I decided to try taking a half of a tablet and it went over easier overall, but still caused issues. Yesterday when I took it before I had a client I felt off while training them. Late into the session I started to feel nausea onset pretty heavily, I felt anxious, out of it, sick, fatigued, etc. I ended up laying down for 15 minutes afterwards. I then forced myself to mow the lawn and skipped the gym altogether. I was totally wiped from the lawn... Which is unusual, because I work out relatively frequently, the lawn isn't usually a problem, it's a self push mower, and our lawns in total are not huge. It takes, in totality, like 20-30 minutes to complete all of the lawn mowing.

13-07-17, 14:20
I believe it could just be an absorption issue, maybe it's something to do with the TRT? Perhaps she's sending you to a cancer centre as they're better suited at diagnosing hidden things? I highly doubt you'd just have low iron if it was cancer. As someone on here says "cancer doesn't just come and go, it grows" after 2 years you'd be in quite the state.

I've been diagnosed with Hypgonadism aswell, not sure whether to accept the TRT as i'd quite like to have kids in the future. How is it being on it?

13-07-17, 17:26
I believe it could just be an absorption issue, maybe it's something to do with the TRT? Perhaps she's sending you to a cancer centre as they're better suited at diagnosing hidden things? I highly doubt you'd just have low iron if it was cancer. As someone on here says "cancer doesn't just come and go, it grows" after 2 years you'd be in quite the state.

I've been diagnosed with Hypgonadism aswell, not sure whether to accept the TRT as i'd quite like to have kids in the future. How is it being on it?

Hey there,

I am not sure. My Ferritin was never really checked prior, ever, to my knowledge. Maybe it was. But I've never heard of TRT playing a factor in causing any issues in it. Otherwise, my diet is pretty decent, so I don't think it is a dietary issue.

Absorption can be an issue, but I feel that if that is the cause, maybe that there is a reason to it that is... worse than just an absorption issue, you know? Some sort of Gastrointestinal disease?

And yeah, the place is both a blood and cancer center, but just the idea of going to a place and seeing cancer patients and me, too, being a patient there, even though slightly unrelated, is bothersome and makes me think that maybe there could be something very wrong.

As for TRT, it is definitely worth going on, especially is your symptomatic. It hasn't been a cure-all for many of my symptoms that seem to be due to other issues, namely anxiety and depression, but it has helped me in other ways overall and in ways that antidepressants actually cause issues. For example, antidepressants are notorious for causing libido and other sexual issues, but the TRT helps curb that. My fatigue isn't as bad as it was, but it is still there. For example, I used to come home daily and nap no matter what. I physically couldn't not nap... that's how tired I was. Now I am a bit tired many days, but I can push through it.

Having Low T can cause other health issues in the long run, such as cardiovascular issues, so getting on it is probably a good idea. Of course, see what your doctor thinks, and make sure that your doctor is knowledgeable in the area of TRT. I went to two Endocrinologists that said, at age 26/27 that I was low, but offered no help other than Cialias/Viagra... in my mid twenties. How is that any help?

As for having kids, my doctor has told me that it is possible on TRT. TRT isn't used as a method of birth control, despite the notion that it inhibits sperm production. So I guess it cuts chances immensely, but it is still possible. There are also two other ways that I know of that can restart the generation of your seed: 1.) HCG, a chemical used to restart the processes necessary for your production of your seed and is used in conjunction with TRT often times; and 2.) Clomid, a pill that is actually for women that treat infertility. Clomid (Clomiphene) is used in men as an off-label use that can help "restart" testosterone production and doesn't inhibit your creation of your seed. This is actually often times a first line of attack for Hypogonadism instead of general TRT, but I don't know of anyone that stays on it, personally. I tried it and my symptoms remained, despite my testosterone levels climbing quite high.

If you do decide to go through with it, injections are suggested. Oral pills go through the liver, which is no good; skin cream can be accidentally washed off, ineffective and can rub off on loved ones; pellets are surgical and, well... I don't like the idea of something being surgically implanted, personally; patches can fall off and cause skin issues, etc. Injections are the most potent and efficient method, from what I've read and heard. If you're not fearful of needles, go that way. That's the way that I do it at my doctor's office. I pop in once a week for a quick injection, vital check and occasional bloodwork.

I suggest reading up on it or going on the Testosterone subreddit on Reddit (/r/testosterone) for more conversation and information. They helped me a lot over there.

13-07-17, 21:12
do you know what your ferritin level is?

14-07-17, 14:50
do you know what your ferritin level is?


15-07-17, 23:20
Could be absorbtion problem. Do you have celiac disease? Or atrophic gastritis (which is not usually seen on endoscopy?)
Do you drink lots of coffee? Coffein worsens the absorbtion greatly

16-07-17, 21:13
Could be absorbtion problem. Do you have celiac disease? Or atrophic gastritis (which is not usually seen on endoscopy?)
Do you drink lots of coffee? Coffein worsens the absorbtion greatly

does having celiac cause iron to not absorb?

17-07-17, 14:22
Could be absorbtion problem. Do you have celiac disease? Or atrophic gastritis (which is not usually seen on endoscopy?)
Do you drink lots of coffee? Coffein worsens the absorbtion greatly

It's a possibility that it can be due to a lack of adequate absorption. But I am unsure if I have any Celiac Disease or anything else. I've had many tests done and nothing of the sort was brought up by any GI doctor.

As for coffee, I wish. Ever since my anxiety started to manifest physically, caffeine generally makes me have intolerable levels of anxiety. So, no, no coffee for me. :(

17-07-17, 15:41
Yes, celiac disease can cause low iron or even anemia.
I've heard that some hematologists offer such absorbtion test - do not take any iron supplements for some days, then get your blood drawn in the morning (do not eat or drink anything) to cherck iron level. After that take iron supplement and repeat test in 3 hours approx. Iron level in blood should significantly (significantly!) increase. If it doesn't, or increase is not significant - you could have absorbtion problem

20-12-17, 15:18
hi dear .did you solve your ferritn problems ?I have same problem about my ferritin ..

20-12-17, 16:56
I have low ferritin level at 8. Tried supplements which didnt make much difference and doctor was concerned as a male there may be something going on. Had a colonoscopy endoscopy. Colonoscopy clear and endoscopy showed signs of celiacs disease which was confirmed by biopsies and blood tests.

20-12-17, 17:59
What's your sat% and serum iron level? Hgb? You can't look at ferritin in isolation

20-12-17, 22:41
You mention acid reflux. Are you on any medication for it? There have been links with PPIs like Lanzaprazole and B12 deficiency which is linked to pernicious anaemia.