View Full Version : Is anyone afraid that the worry/stress from HA will harm them?

13-07-17, 18:28
I've had HA for a good while now and I'm getting nowhere with it.
Every time I think I take a step forward I take a few steps back.
I'm constantly worried and scared about one or more things. I feel as if my brain thinks that I should worry all the time now and that's why it always finds new "symptoms" all the time.
I know there's no magic formula but is there any bits of advice people can give to at least put me in the right direction.
I'm so tired of being worried and scared and I'm afraid that I'll never beat this :weep:
Sorry for the rant, but would really love some advice

13-07-17, 18:47
would really love some advice

Therapy and meds.

The bottom line is you have to work hard at it. Nothing we can say here will be the "a ha" moment when it all starts making sense.

Positive thoughts

13-07-17, 19:34
I have bad health anxiety, I am worry it will harm me yes, I am seeking help once again.

13-07-17, 19:42
If you have a mental health condition characterised by excessive and uncontrollable worry, it stands to reason that you would have this particular worry. But it's no more real or objective than any other irrational worry.

It's true that the physical effects of long-term anxiety and stress can - stress on "can" - lead to more serious problems. There's no getting away from that. But, like so many other self-destructive behaviours, it can be challenged, addressed and eliminated with the right choices, the right attitude and the right help, so that any damage you've done can be eradicated. There is no reason to fear that you are doing yourself any major harm. But it's worth using the potential for difficulties further down the lines - as well as the damage it does to your enjoyment of life in the here and now - as motivating factors to really tackle this and make those changes.

Take it from me, it can be done.