View Full Version : What this a mini panic attack?

13-07-17, 20:05
I've had anxiety for some time now, but the physical symptoms are still new to me. Fall and Winter was really tough because I was convinced I had heart problems, so the physical symptoms of the anxiety (of course) mimicked heart problems. I was having palpitations, rapid heart beats, chest pain, etc.

Eventually, after many tests, it calmed down because I realized I was fine.

Just a few seconds ago, out of nowhere, it felt like my heart dropped. I can only compare it to the feeling of going down a sudden drop on a roller coaster.

Is this a mini panic attack?

Nothing was really stressing me out at the moment other than thinking about my daughter's upcoming ear tube placement, but it didn't seem to be severe stress.

Where did that come from?

Of course, because I have health anxiety, I assume I'm having a heart attack or asthma attack. The asthma is new and I'd say it's an ongoing form of anxiety for me, but I wasn't thinking about it before that heart drop sensation occurred.

16-07-17, 23:44
I have those feelings regular - it's the body reaction to stress. I guess the adrenaline glands are overloaded and when, they release a shot of those many hormons they regulats - it is very unpleasant, but harmfull .... I'm still alive :D

17-07-17, 16:57
Thanks, TunaFish.

Yes, it feels pretty awful.

19-07-17, 17:02
Yep. A mini panic attack is a pretty good name for what you described. I went through exactly the same thing - anxiety, racing heart, palpitations, panic attacks. I used to think there was something wrong with my heart too! (There wasn't!). No need to be afraid but it sounds like it might be your heart skipping a beat which is just a stress symptom and as such, completely harmless. Used to happen to me a lot before I realised there was nothing wrong with my heart.

09-08-17, 09:38
I get this feeling and it's horrible. Sometimes I can curb it with EFT (tapping) sometimes I could be anxious beyond belief and it doesn't happen, then other times I don't feel that anxious at all and it does happen. It almost takes my breath away a little bit.

Pea Tear Griffin
09-08-17, 10:08
I had a mini panic attack last night I had a pounding sick head feeling and I was hyperventilating,

18-09-17, 18:48
Whenever i have a panic attack, i can literally feel the adrenaline rushing through my body. It feels really cold and then warm all of the sudden. Thats how i know im suffering from a full blown panic attack. It reminds me of when i go to the dentist and they give you that numbing shot in your gum. It's like you have a shot of energy and nowhere to run to or like youre running in place. Very scary for me but now i can recognize it.. doesnt make it any less scary though