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View Full Version : Worried I'm pregnant

13-07-17, 21:08
Hi, I have this irrational fear lately that I'm pregnant. But everything is trying to tell me I'm not.ilast had sex about 3months ago.with protection. Since then I have had two periods at regular intervals. I have always suffered with pain in my abdomen which is being investigated for pcos. However I have got myself worked up about being pregnant. Lately I have been experiencing back pain, bloating and frequent urination that sometimes burns. I had two out of the blue nose bleeds a few weeks ago when the weather was really hot. And I have stupidly Google pregnancy symptoms. I'm just worrying myself silly. Can anyone help me with their opinions?

13-07-17, 21:13
How about a pregnancy test?

13-07-17, 21:56
^ this

14-07-17, 05:27
Ok... seriously...you can get a test (they're not expensive) and definitely affirm your not pregnant BUT... why even do that when you had protected sex three months ago and have had two regular visits from Aunt Flo since then?. I would say that's more definitive than any test!

Positive thoughts