View Full Version : Removing smell from bathroom

13-07-17, 21:13
Can anybody give me any advice? I'm keen on using bleach so I use other bathroom cleaners. I clean the toilet once a week but it still has an odour. It's a damp musty smell.

The bathroom floor always gets wet when I come in and out shower so it smells damp usually. How can I get rid of the smell? Opening windows only helps a bit they can't be open all the time? Should I invest in some hard plastic tiles or normal tiles to stop having the vinyl which could be causing a smell?

Also the bathroom gets loads of mould but I do open the windows and clean and repaint it. I use to wet my parents bathroom floor but it never had a smell. The new vinyl was put in top of the old slicky floor tiles so maybe that has not helped?

13-07-17, 23:50
Dry the floor etc when you've finished in the bathroom. Don't leave wet towels hanging about. Open windows. Keeping things drier will help get rid of the mould.

13-07-17, 23:57
Dry the floor etc when you've finished in the bathroom. Don't leave wet towels hanging about. Open windows. Keeping things drier will help get rid of the mould.

Yes the wet towels always stay the reason is I need one to stand on in my next shower.

Could the actual floor be smelling or is it just other things like toilet?

14-07-17, 00:03
Sounds to me like the wet towels. Do you leave them on the floor? Even hanging up in the bathroom they'll cause damp. Why not hang them outside to dry
Buy more towels if necessary so you'll always have a dry one

14-07-17, 00:14
Sounds to me like the wet towels. Do you leave them on the floor? Even hanging up in the bathroom they'll cause damp. Why not hang them outside to dry
Buy more towels if necessary so you'll always have a dry one

I use old ones as my wash basket is always sky high. I considered new ones to stand on but would increase my washing. I could try removing towels and see if it helps. I'm sure I did before and it helped about 10% but still not a fresh smell. I don't know how I can get a freshness into the bathroom.

14-07-17, 00:30
Start by keeping the bathroom drier so yeah get the wet towels out. That'll help

14-07-17, 01:01
Whenever you are drying, you need the windows open.

Use bath mats as they are better than towels for standing on when you get out. Then hang them outside or just up with the windows open or even place them over the bath.

You could also try dehumidifying to see if it helps. You can get basic once use version for £1 in supermarkets. Or there are better ones but it's perhaps worth seeing if it helps before committing to ones with cartridges.

Also, if your floor gets wet a lot do you have floorboards under there? Could any be rotten?

14-07-17, 11:06
If it's really bothering you it's worth looking under the vinyl to see if there's any damp patches underneath. If so, the vinyl will need removing so it can dry out.

If you get mould, you have a ventilation issue for sure. It might be worth having an extractor fan fitted.

Also, if you don't have one, perhaps think about a heated towel rail. Even in the summer they're a good idea to dry towels on as that damp/mould permeates a lot quicker in humid weather.

Vinyl is prone to cracking, and it's fairly common for it to not be sealed properly at the edges, so perhaps replace it with hard tiling?

17-07-17, 22:47
If it's really bothering you it's worth looking under the vinyl to see if there's any damp patches underneath. If so, the vinyl will need removing so it can dry out.

If you get mould, you have a ventilation issue for sure. It might be worth having an extractor fan fitted.

Also, if you don't have one, perhaps think about a heated towel rail. Even in the summer they're a good idea to dry towels on as that damp/mould permeates a lot quicker in humid weather.

Vinyl is prone to cracking, and it's fairly common for it to not be sealed properly at the edges, so perhaps replace it with hard tiling?

The issue is there's 3 vinyl doors underneath and plywood and it's all stuck to the wood. I started ripping the vinyl up but looks like the whole wood needs lifted.

If I remove all the vinyl and plywood and replace it and put new vinyl down will it rid the bathroom of the stink? Underneath my bathroom sink cupboard also smells.

Like I stay when I stayed with my parents they had plywood and vinyl and it never smelled when i wet the bathroom floor with showers.

Eventually I plan on ripping the entire bathroom suite out. But that's too expensive a job for now.

Also I get hotel floors wet in showers and they never stink. My worry is if I replace floor it smells again?

18-07-17, 18:37

What should I do replace the vinyl with more vinyl or buy floor tiles? The floor tiles are more expensive but will the vinyl smell again?

21-07-17, 21:52
If it's really bothering you it's worth looking under the vinyl to see if there's any damp patches underneath. If so, the vinyl will need removing so it can dry out.

If you get mould, you have a ventilation issue for sure. It might be worth having an extractor fan fitted.

Also, if you don't have one, perhaps think about a heated towel rail. Even in the summer they're a good idea to dry towels on as that damp/mould permeates a lot quicker in humid weather.

Vinyl is prone to cracking, and it's fairly common for it to not be sealed properly at the edges, so perhaps replace it with hard tiling?

Good news I'm replacing it with ceramic tiles from Tuesday and replacing the plywood underneath.

Will this keep the smell out? My worry is what if I spend all this and it doesn't remove the smell or if I wet the floor again but surely the tiles will keep the water better than vinyl?

22-07-17, 02:00
It depends what's under there, Phil. If you have a load of rotting wood under there then it makes sense.

22-07-17, 02:09
It depends what's under there, Phil. If you have a load of rotting wood under there then it makes sense.

The plywood doesn't seem too wet the damp only seemed to reach the old vinyl. Somebody said old vinyl smells so perhaps that's the issue. I will find out once the tiles are down I guess. :ohmy:

25-07-17, 14:19

I had a tiler out and he can't remove the old plywood without removing toilet, bath panels and skirting boards which would damage wall tiles.

So he's removing the sticky old vinyls underneath and he said the plywood isn't damp.

So I have no idea if this will fix the issue I wanted new wood but it would mean half the bathroom coming out :ohmy:

---------- Post added at 10:42 ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 ----------

Also my OCD had kicked in again

The old vinyl which was down he put it in my hall laminate floor and a bit went near my new bedroom laminate so I worry about germs hitting the floor? :blush:

---------- Post added at 14:19 ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 ----------

It depends what's under there, Phil. If you have a load of rotting wood under there then it makes sense.

The wood doesn't seem to be rotten so it's a mystery why it's smelling. It's like a plum of air that smells bathrooms not fresh so it could be drains toilet or floor.

25-07-17, 19:11
The bathroom floor went on my bedroom floor so it's contaminated now

25-07-17, 22:26
i'm sure your bedroom floor will be fine.
Have you asked any of your friends or family whether they can smell anything in the bathroom?? or is it only you that can smell it?

25-07-17, 22:31
i'm sure your bedroom floor will be fine.
Have you asked any of your friends or family whether they can smell anything in the bathroom?? or is it only you that can smell it?

The tiler said it wasn't the floor but maybe under the cupboard from a leaky pipe. I'm not sure if it will remove the smell at the moment it smells of tile grout now.

I'm worried about the new bedroom floor the old dirty vinyl went on my floor and I put wet towels down on that floor from showering and those towels get soaking and maybe bits of toilet paper could hit then when I wipe my backside. This is why I OCD about the wash basket as they are wet towels and they could harbour toilet germs.

The bedroom floor won't feel as clean anymore. I had similar OCD when the boiler men moped by hall floor with a mop head I used in the bathroom floor. For me the toilet is the dirtiest floor in the house. It gets all sorts of hair and toilet paper spectacles all over it. :ohmy:

26-07-17, 11:36
I want to bin my bedroom floor as it's not clean can anybody reassure me?

---------- Post added at 11:36 ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 ----------

Started standing on bath mats with towels on top now I'm worried the bath mats are dirty as they have towels on top and toilet germs may have got to it.

The floor was slightly less wet now with mats but still a bit wet as I come in and out but perhaps the titles will stop any moisture going underneath? :blush::ohmy:

26-07-17, 11:48
Phil have you a wooden floor in your bedroom or carpet?

26-07-17, 12:01
Phil have you a wooden floor in your bedroom or carpet?

It's tiles now

26-07-17, 12:10
Laminate floor in bedroom?

26-07-17, 14:22
Your OCD is getting to you Phill. You can renew your mops, or what ever the work people have used to get the mess up. You need to leave the windows open, let the fresh air in on a nice day of course. :hugs:

26-07-17, 22:48
Your OCD is getting to you Phill. You can renew your mops, or what ever the work people have used to get the mess up. You need to leave the windows open, let the fresh air in on a nice day of course. :hugs:

I know my OCD is bad I gave in and binned the bath mats but can't bin the laminate floor. The old bathroom floor touched this. I don't know how to deal with my OCD about dirty washing :ohmy:

27-07-17, 14:22
I can't comment on the OCD as it's not something I've ever experienced, although that's probably something that needs therapeutic treatment?

As for the bathroom floor, I'm not sure what stage you're at now, but as you're pulling layers up it should become fairly obvious where the smell is coming from.

24-09-17, 18:39
I have a musty smell in my hall as well it’s like stale food. I have a ground floor flat so no window I can open and my kitchen door doesn’t close properly.

It’s not the washing as I kept it out all summer. Is it drains? What could create such a horrible plum of air when I come into my house? :blush:

24-09-17, 19:07
I have a musty smell in my hall as well it’s like stale food. I have a ground floor flat so no window I can open and my kitchen door doesn’t close properly.

It’s not the washing as I kept it out all summer. Is it drains? What could create such a horrible plum of air when I come into my house? :blush:

How do you let smell out when you cook? If you don't ventilate flat you will create damp conditions. You should also buy plug-in air fresheners.

01-10-17, 18:11
How do you let smell out when you cook? If you don't ventilate flat you will create damp conditions. You should also buy plug-in air fresheners.

Yes plug in air freshiners sometimes help.

Problem is I open the window when I shower yet I still have to clean mould off the tiles and ceiling. I get the floor wet but it’s titles now so dries quick.

I don’t get I can rid the smells from my house. It wasn’t like that before I moved in nor did my parents have the smell in there house when I stayed there.

Is there no professional cleaners I can call to rid these smells from my home?